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some where that i have wonderd
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dont need one im imortal
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call me what u will as long as it isnt an insult
pissing ppl off at uno
Anime Fan Since
sence i awoke form my slumber
Favorite Anime
vampire night curently
to be kind to others and to be pure
i like drawings ... no i wont put them in my fan art sence i have onter otaku you might be familar with
i have a habit hearing things and knowing things that i shouldint
| tera takahashi
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

on the right isYUKI CROSS on the left is ZERO KIRYU
YUKI Cross
The adoptive daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, Yuki is a member of the school's disciplinary committee (public morals committee in Japanese), which is the 'front' for the Guardians. Zero,is a childhood friend of hers
PERSONALITY: kida nieve,bubely, gets nevas around kaname and when but is every storng wileded
age: i think she is 15 im not shure
WEPON OF CHOISE:"Artemis Rod," althow she freses up alot when shes actualy soposed to use it [in unepected times]
ZERO KIRYU Yuki's childhood friend. Zero is also a Guardian and likewise on the disciplinary committee. Yuki has been taking care of him as her little brother (though he is a year older than her) since he was brought into their home (the Headmaster's). His family, a line of vampire hunters, was murdered by the pureblood vampire Shizuka Hio when he was young. He harbors a deep hatred for vampires and claims to have taken on the role of Guardian to learn to hunt them better
PERSONALITY : sort of a loner kinda emo
short temperd mostly around kaname
but has self control
AGE: i dk but hes older than yuki
WEPON OF CHOISE:is the gun "Bloody Rose[u ushaly see him holding it in hes picktures]
this is KANAME

KANAME KURAN A pureblood vampire. He saved Yuki from an attack by another vampire when she was little. Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. While he is cold and authoritative towards his fellows in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki ever since he saved her, and loves her in a romantic sense (He allows Zero to live because he knows his death would sadden Yuki).
PERSONALITY: mature very kind and kinda misterious
ill introduce the other charecters form vampire knight as i go on [its a realy good searys u should check it out]
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