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Friday, September 21, 2007

Hyphea Chapter 4: Friends from the Fire
The non-final version of the fourth chapter. So probably there will be some minor changes.đ

SO here goes.

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In the meanwhile, Aqua was struggling to get free from the vines underground. She managed to conjure enough water around her to keep her away from the earth and to allow her to breathe.
-Luckily my element is water... – thought Aqua. –If it weren't, I'd probably choke in here!
She noticed, though, that water was being sucked by the ground above her. She realized that it was used by a sorcerer to make mud from the ground.
-If I could only break free from these vines, I would make that bastard wish he was dead!!! –she thought, trying again to get free from the vines, without any success.
-You won't get away with this! I swear!!! – shouted Frost, furious like never before, while his body sank to the waist, to the neck, until he wasn't visible anymore.
-Well, that should be it. – said Rock coldly. Flora nodded. Suddenly, she was struck with a fireball in the back, coming from no one other than Blaze.
-Aaaaah! – she screamed, and fell from the rocks to the ground. She fainted. Here element was too weak against fire.
-Flora! – shouted Rock. -Why you...
He looked up and saw Blaze sitting on a burning phoenix. The two flew down. Blaze jumped off Pyro, whose flames withdrew back into the wings. Blaze looked angry. Since she didn't see Frost anywhere, she assumed that he has been defeated, and so the other sorceress. She didn't want any sorcerer to die. She was aware that there aren't many of them left on Hyphea.
Aqua felt the vines loosen. Since Flora was unconscious, she didn't have control of the vines anymore. Aqua tore the vines off of her. Her eyes started to glow, and the water around her started to twirl. With a powerful whirlpool, the water was leading her towards the spot where mud was. It went with such speed, that it caused a quake.
-What's going on?! I'm not responsible for this quake! Who's doing this?! – shouted Rock, worried. Blaze and Pyro were confused. All of a sudden, from the middle of the rock cage, water bursted out like lava from a volcano. With the water, there was Aqua. And Frost. The water turned into millions of raindrops. Frost's unconscious body was tossed towards Pyro, who caught it.
-Gotcha, buddy! – said Pyro.
-Take care of him while I take care of the bad guy. – said Flora to him.
Now that Aqua was free, she wanted to return the torture to the one who held her underground. But the question now was: who did that? There were three sorcerers, not counting Flora.
-Now which one of you bastards dared to wrap me with those damn whips?! Huh?! Show yourself so I can kill you!!! – shouted Aqua angrily, looking at the three.
-It was her – said Pyro, pointing at Flora. –But she knocked her out already. – he aded, now looking at Blaze.
-You mean... you helped Frost? Is he going to be alright?
-Yes, he just used up all of his mana. He'll be fine by tomorrow morning.
Rock then immediately raised his hand pointing at Aqua. Then, rock pillars from the ground emerged just like when they were forming the cage that's now destroyed. Aqua conjured water and fromed a powerful whirlpool. Powerful enough to turn the pillars into mud and to wash them away. Rock realized that he had no chance against water without Flora. He looked at her, helplessly. He was shocked. For the first time, he wasn't able to protect his territory.
-Give up, dude! It's three of us. You're in a huge disadvantage. – said Pyro, smiling. But Rock didn't pay attention. He just kneeled there, dropping his sword and looking down at the ground.
-No... This isn't happening... This is only a nightmare... –muttered Rock. –You will never get your hands on the earth area!
Blaze made a small fireball, and swiftly threw it right in Rock's face. The fireball knocked him down. It felt like a mother's slap when he would do something bad. His eyes were soon flooded with tears.
-We don't want the earth are for us – said Blaze calmly. –We just don't want you to kill anyone. Don't you realize that the future of Hyphea relies on all of us?!
Rock was still crying silently. He let the inner voice tell him what to do without thinking about consequences. And now he felt sorry for that.
After a moment, Aqua interrupted.
-So what now? I'd drown this guy for being such a meanie, but I can see he's sorry... – she asked Blaze.
-Leave him be. And Flora will soon recover too. Rock will bring her to her senses too – said Blaze. –Let's go.
Pyro again transformed into a phoenix and flew down towards the forest. Blaze took Frost in her arms and approached the cliff. Aqua looked at Rock for a second, and then she followed Blaze to the cliff.
-For now, we need Frost to heal up – continued Blaze. -We need his help. We were attacked by a sorcerer from the darkness. It might sound incredible, but he is much more powerful than both of us. We barely escaped from him and hid ourselves. We already asked the light sorcerers for help, but they refuse to battle. They only want to live in peace.
-I could help too! – said Aqua enthusiastically.
-You can't – interrupted Blaze. - A legend says that the only thing that can equal the powers of darkness is ice. Dark sorcerers are cold-hearted, and so are the ice ones. They are the only ones who can resist the chaotic effect the darkness has on the brain. We don't want you to expose to danger.
-But I want to help Frost!!!
-It would be the best for you to go back home. You're a water sorceress. We need to get through the forest, and there are many creatures you can't fight.
-Yeah... My mana source is water, and it attracts the plants – sighed Aqua. –Oh well, what else can I do? If I go with you, I'll only be a burden. Take a good care of Frost, ok?
-It's a promise – said Blaze.
Aqua turned back to her, conjured a river and jumped into it, letting it lead her to the ocean.
-Are you coming? – shouted Pyro from down below.
-I'll be right there! – said Blaze, and started jumping down the steep rock, holding Frost tightly.

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