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myOtaku.com: teramaster

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hyphea Chapter 5: A New Threat
The two continued downwards heading to the forest. When they reached the bottom of the mountain, Pyro flew down and transformed back to his original shape.
-Blaze, I'm tired... – he said, breathing fastly.
-Ok then, let's take a break here. – replied Blaze.
They sat down on the grass. It was getting dark. Pyro enflamed a part of the grass for some light. Blaze was looking at Frost's face, still holding him in his arms.
-Blaze! – shouted Pyro all of a sudden. – The dark sorcerer met another one!
-What?! Another dark sorcerer? – said Blaze, shocked.
Darkness everywhere. Deserted, lifeless ground, dried out trees with no leaves, the only source of light were a few stars struggling to break through the clouds. The dark area.
Shadow, the 17-year old dark sorcerer, had white tan, red eyes, long, red staff with a silver brawl on top and three short, sharp blades on the bottom, and everything else he had was black. The one who made life of the two fire sorcerers to hell, found another one, with the same darkness as he had. It was Aura, the 16-year old dark sorceress who had the ability to hypnotize, confuse, and many other psychic abilities. She had long, straight, violet hair, violet as everything else on her. Even her eyes were violet. But she had a normal tan. She wasn't pale like Shadow. Her staff had a brawl on top held by three metal parts that looked like scorpion claws. One same part was attached to the bottom.
-What do you want? – asked Shadow Aura coldly.
-I won't let you rule Hyphea! The only one who's able for that is me! – she replied, determined to kill Shadow and move him out of her way.
-Oh yeah? You and what army? – said Shadow, laughing out loud.
Aura got angry. She raised her staff, aiming at Shadow's eyes. She tried to hypnotize him.
-This army! – thought Aura, wantimg to make Shadow think he's surrounded by Aura clones. But Shadow just closed his eyes and smiled.
Aura knew that her powers were useles if her opponent closes her eyes. But she knew that she could now approach him and stab him in the neck with the end of her staff without any problems. She stopped aiming at him and smiled.
-So what now? You can't see me and you can't evade my attacks!
-What now? I'll show you what now!!!
Shadow knew that this is his moment. She was unaware. He could open his eyes and locate her immediately. He raised his staff, aimed at her and fired a dark energy beam. Before Aura realized what happened, she was hit in her chest, making her fall back and dropping her staff. Shadow walked towards her. He grabbed her hair andlifted Aura with it. She screamed.
-Someone like you will never be able to rule Hyphea! You only deserve to die!!! - he said, with the bladed bottom of his staff near her neck.
-Wait... – said Aura desperately. – Don't kill me yet...
-Give me one good reason why shouldn't I!
-Let me... let me give you my power! Allow my soul to live in your body! That way, we can rule together!
-Nice trick, but it won't work! – said Shadow, barely able to wait to see her blood spilt.
-Wait! I swear, it's not a trick! We'll be the strongest being on Hyphea ever!!!
Shadow didn't know why, but somehow, he dared to believe her. His greed for power was immense. Also, he knew that she couldn't do anything without her staff. He let her hair go.
-Alright, I'll give you five seconds to give me the power! Now, do it!!!
Aura also knew that she couldn't do anything else to save her life. She stood up and laid her palms on his heart. Shadow still wasn't sure if this was a trick or not; but still, he decided to take the chance. Aura's body and staff now started to turn into sparkling violet dust. Shadow was amazed by seeing how Aura's body is disappearing. The dust now started to surround him. He sudenly felt his heart beat faster. He was scared.
-Damn it! I knew this was a trick! – he thought.
But he was wrong. The dust entered his body and staff. Red horns grew from his head. His clothing hardened and took a whole new shape. The blackness slightly reflected some bluish light coming from the dark blue sky. His gloves and boots now extended. His staff's top and bottom turned into double scythe blades with a silver brawl on each. He felt the power. He was now five times stronger than before. When the dust completely entered his body and transformed it, Shadow started to shout.
-This is amazing!!! I feel such an awesome power!!! Now I'm truly invincible!!!
Then, Aura's spirit spoke to him from inside of his body.
-Are you glad you didn't kill me? – she said.
-I was strong... but not strong enough! Now I can rule Hyphea! No one can match me! – he said
-You mean us?!
-Fine, us. – said Shadow, grinning. –Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me!
-Well then, let's rule Hyphea together!
-Together, we'll bring the new age to Hyphea!!!
It started to thunder, as if the sky would disapprove the uniting of the powers of darkness.
Pyro was shocked. He felt an amazing power coming from the dark area. He knew what happened. When he came to himself, he told Blaze what happened. She was now afraid that Frost wouldn't be able to help them. She looked at him. As if he knew something was wrong, Frost slowly opened his eyes.

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