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myOtaku.com: teramaster

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

To leave or not to leave, that is the question...
Ok, first a few words to everyone:

I'm not yet quite sure if I'll leave theOtaku or not. There are some things that might happen which will make me stay. On the other hand, some factors might cause the opposite to happen. My current decision is to leave, but not until I say goodbye to all my friends here.

And yeah, my nick on dA is also teramaster, so if you want to visit me, here's the link:


And now replies to each of you:

Snow Phoenix:
Well, the thing that you can hardly get recognized on dA is true. There really are many pros. But I learned a lot about drawing since I'm on dA. I found useful tutorials, and found friends who will comment my art and give suggestions on how to improve it. Somehow, I have a wish to become a pro just like those on dA who get over 1000 favs per picture (and I got 75 max.) But the things I mentioned in my post are not the only reasons why am I leaving theO. There are some things I'd rather not discuss about.
And yeah, same nick. I see that you already found me there though ^^; Ttyl!
P.S. I think you DO fit in, your art is great, much much better than some people who do everything to get noticed and really do get noticed a lot, but have almost no idea about drawing.

Alright then, I'll visit you there. Sure, we can chat. Whenever you send me a note, be sure you'll get a reply, cuz notes are priority for me to read. Cya there!

Ma ja stvarno ne mogu izdrzati na tO-u vise. Stavim jednu bezveze sliku Kakashija i dobijem preko 50 glasova. Stavim super sliku Frosta i niko je i ne vidi! Sta je to u ljudima ovdje, pitam se. Izgleda da 50% njih omiljeni anime je Naruto, i glasaju samo za Naruto slike.
Istina, dA je ogroman, ali mozes se snaci nekako. Sto se tice reply-a pa ljudi inace diskutuju preko replya ono sto bi pricali u PM-ovima ovdje. Neki imaju dial-up konekciju tako da im Reply super dodje da zadrze kontakt sa prijateljima. Jos ako si subscriber na dA-u mozes odmah vidjeti sve slike u devWATCHu kao minijature, odn. hyperlinkove. Tj. odmah vidis da li ti se slika svidja na prvi pogled i da li ces joj pokloniti vise paznje. Da, bio sam jednom subscriber: dobio je besplatno. Cini mi se svaki clan dobije jednom mjesec dana besplatnu subscription. ^^;
Ok onda, cujemo se na dA-u!

Yep, same username. But I think you already found me, you're just.LL, right? Well yeah, it's like you said, you don't have to reply on everything if you don't want. Still, my personality somehow wants me to reply and thank everyone for their support ^^; See ya!

I'm still not sure if I'll leave or not. But still: what's the point in putting your pics here if you don't get noticed? And yeah, same username. Cya there then.

Yamis Pharaohess:
A parade, huh? lol I'm not like that, I'm kinda shy to act liek you do ^^; Of course, I'll be in touch with all my friends here. I made some great friends here and I'll never forget them. Well, see you on dA then! Or here too, until I finally decide to leave.

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