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myOtaku.com: Terquem

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

�Good. I understand Dr. Hokkum will need some sketches of the specimens, and some photos to go along with the research. I just spoke with Mika Woolorly and she was excited to be a part of this. She is a photographer. Did you know? I think she has even changed her major, but anyway that�s not important�� She stopped talking very suddenly and the room began to shake.
Theo heard it before he felt it. On a small table by Ms. Greanwyloe�s desk were a coffee maker, and some cups. Inside the cups were a few metal spoons and forks. The utensils were clanging against each other. The sound was very slight but she must have heard it as well. For a few long seconds they looked at each other and then the real shaking started. It was an earthquake. They were uncommon, but happened. It was the third one in Theo�s life that he could remember. Theo looked around for some place safe, while Ms. Greanwyloe easily slide under her small desk. As a feeling of panic began to come over him as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped.
�We should get out of the building Ms. Greanwyloe. There could be aftershocks.� He said as he reached for her hand to help her up from under the desk. He let her go ahead of him as they hurried out into the hall.
A tall thin man was coming out of the office across the hall from them at the same time, he looked calm, and Theo hoped he didn�t look as frightened as he felt.
�Barbara, was that me, or was that a quake?� The man said.
�A little one I think�, she answered.
�Barb�Ms. Greanwyloe shouldn�t we use the stairs?� Theo asked, and was embarrassed at almost calling her by her first name. It was the first time he had heard her called anything other than Ms. Greanwyloe, and yet it almost popped out of his mouth. The three of them turned away from the elevators and headed toward the stairs at the other end of the hall. Before the reached the door the shaking started again.

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