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Argusville, ND
Member Since
Real Name
Jason Miller
Have gotten writings published, and composed a handfull of songs for piano
Anime Fan Since
-thinks- hmmm 1995
Favorite Anime
hmm Hellsing, Trigun, or FMA or FLCL
Finish FF7 (just started)
Im a gamer, i play piano
Piano, and music comp,
| tetheredtear
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
To post..
Hello everyone! hope you had a good all hallow's eve! i know i did. Went and had a small party at my house/appartment thingy, then went to another party and didnt get home tell around 7am, twas a funnn night, filled with lotsa pizza, a good break from ramen. I eats lots of ramen.
Life has really not been all t eventful lately, looking for another job.... and watching the months fly by. definately been n interesting time, an interesting time indeed. I spend alot of time watching anime lately, started watching outlaw star and bleach, both of witch roxxors. Life is indeed interesting, and hopefully ill report back sooner than i have in the past, with more exciting news. well take care everyone!
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Appartment Life
Hello, been a while sense(sp?) the last time i posted here, so i guess i should give a decent one, the few times that i do actually make the effort to actually throw up a post.
So, MSCTC is on hold, got thrown on a waiting list, might get on soon, who knows, but right now im living in Fargo, northern Fargo to be exact. Life is mostly on my own, i have 2 roommates, both of them are pretty cool, im the clean one of the house, its sad, im semi-OCD. Heh, my room is the cleanest in the appartment by far.
As for the job situation, im looking for a night job, my schedule has turned to the complete opposite of a school child. i awake at 8pm, and fall asleep at 12pm. its odd but its the most comfortable schedule for me.
Hmm anything interesting happen.. Still Girlfriendless.. i basicly live at the Red Raven.. If you are ever in Fargo and need a nice place to hang out i reccomend it, its right below enigma jewlers, which is on the corner of NP Avenue and Roberts st.
Hmm. cant think of anything more to talk about. oh yeah, visit going to start posting comics on there again.
Well thats all for now. Take care everyone!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
About guys, Turned ON, OFF or DC (Don't care):
Is taller than you:
Wears braces:
Wears a grill:
Dresses Gangsta:
Dresses Gothic:
Dresses Scene:
Has blue eyes:
Has green eyes:
Has hazel eyes:
Brown eyes:
Drinks alcohol:
Wears glasses:
Smokes ciggs:
Smokes weed:
Plays sports:
Smiles a lot:
Calls you just to say hi:
Compliments you:
Good dancer:
Wears jewelry:
Smiles when you walk in the room:
Has curly hair:
Has straight hair:
Has brown hair:
Has Black hair:
Has blonde hair:
Can make you laugh:
Laid back:
Plays guitar:
Plays drums:
he can draw:
Easily jealous:
Has a tattoo:
Has a lip ring:
Has tounge ring:
has an eyebrow ring:
nipples pierced:
About girls: Turned ON, OFF or DC (don't care)
dresses like a grandma: off
has a nice butt: on
plays musical instrument: on
is shorter than you:dc
same height as you:dc
is taller than you: on
has chapped lips: dc
has green eyes:on
has blue eyes: on
has brown eyes:dc
has long hair:on
has med. hair: dc
has short hair: dc
drinks alcohol: off
smokes cigs: off
smokes weed: off
has blonde hair: off
has brown hair: dc
has black hair: dc
has red hair:on
works out: dc
smiles: on
calls you just to say hi: if not obessively, on
creative: way on
compliments you: on
shaves her legs: on
wears jewelry: dc
has bigger feet than you: dc
has smaller feet than you: dc
smiles when you walk into the room: on
belly piercings: dc
laid back: on
doesn't party: on
likes to party: dc
wants to party: dc
laughs a lot: dc
giggles: on
snorts: dc
pierced ears: dc
pierced anything else: hmm suggestive, dc
tattoos: dc
honest and open: on
goes to church: dc
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random rant from friends computer at the red raven
Im bored, and i thought id do a quick little random rant for a bit just to well post and get things out of the system.. i havent done that for a while.
Well sesnse the last post i have gained a job whoring myself out to politics, even worse, out to the republicans! but its good pay, and its not like i believe much of the garbage im soliciting money for...
Im sorry i havent been online much i just havent really gotten around to it lately just been to busy doing other crap or nothing at all, just kinda drifting along like usual, like always. Seems to by my style, afraid of commitment but seeking the elusive partner of the opposite sex to hang out with and be open with. Personal paradox but what the hey, what else is new?
So, yah, to be brunt with everyone i give myself my own discriptioin:
I feel that i am a person who studies in the arts, i am decent, or mediocre at the arts i attempt, but i am passionate about them.
I AM a loner, horribly so, i can get really caught up and avoid unnecary human contact for large periods of time
I am an aquarian (zodiac)... need i say more? -edit- for lolly-chan this means that i am a little out of hand, i am an individual, i can be cold, i can be crazy, im eccentric, hell im really eccentric, i like technology, i analyze things, if you look up the common traits of an aquarius, it fits me fairly decently, im not as cold as i think most aquarians are made out to be -/edit-
I consider myself a spiritual person, i have read books on my diffrent religons, i am versed in many diffrent practices, i follow what i truely believe
I am an individual, i believe in my individuality and i am one person in a crowd.
Well that about sums me up, i gots ta go, take care.
----------------edit/add on-----------------------
Im at home now and i feel there should be mroe of a description of me...
I adore the night sky, every time i see the night sky i am... an wonder, i just think to myself of all the other worldsthe other galaxies out there, of all how old the light i am seeing is, of how far away these suns are, and it just is so beautiful, i stare at the night sky at hours on end, i even have a place in which i most like to do so not far from my home, a tree that i climb has a nice limb to rest on and just stare up at the sky.
I love to climb trees, i love to climb, i dont get to much, but i truely like to climb, it makes me think of how to approach something and then go at it. its intriguing and when your high in a tree, relaxing in its boughs, its a wonderous feeling.
I aim to be my own person, i know this goes with the whole individuality thing, but its true, I like to do things by myself, most of the time i prefer to do so. but i like to look at something and if it normally is done by more then one person, or is done with tools i dont have, i enjoy figuring out how i will approach and resolve the situation with what i have and by myself.
I view myself as a kind person, i maybe a little off, aloof, wierd. but down to the core, i really view myself as a nice person i listen o what people have to say, i help people, i enjoy helping people emotionally, i llove to hear peoples life stories, about where they came from, whats happend, what they are up to now. Though getting the story from me is hard because im pretty closed about myself. But if someone asks me for help, i 90% of the time gladly agree then 5% reluctantly. I like to think of myself as a kind person. and its really hard to get me to be hostile towards anyone, because i have a usually good view of people in general.
I am very forgetful, im horrible with names, and if i ever forget any of your names, im sorry in advanced, Im drawn to people who enjoy the arts, i enjoy drawing, singing, writing, painting, playing music, ect.
I do not smoke, i do not drink, i do not do any drugs, and it doesnt bother horribly to see other people do drugs, but i see no reason for me or them to take drugs. I get it and i dont (if that makes any sense)... I havent tried smoking, or drinking (unless you count a small glass of champeigne for a celebration of a friends victory over a fight with cancer), or any other drugs, and i really do intend to keep that way. i my friends, am one of the 2% who hasent tried marijuana, i just dont feel like flaunting he fact in some hearder of my blog.
I really enjoy anime, and video games, and i love music that comes from them. I also have found a liking towards vasquez, borderline insane, and interesting, preffered author: Terry Pratchet
well now i think i am done ranting... hmm... sure, ill make another post if im not
(oh ps, i might be goinen july 9-15 for junior composers camp, could be fun or humiliating, but either way i am up for meeting new people with similar interests and talents)
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Time worth killing...
So, its 2:43 when i started this post. Not alot has been happening lately, but then i guess alot has.. I've graduated, making plans for school, saving money up, looking for a job and appartment, honing in my Halo skills, going to local concerts, getting local bands for me and my friends webstie ( check it out), still delivering papers, doing auto work on my car, flirting with women (ha! when dont i do that?).
But really when it all boils down to it, im kinda like Naota (FLCL refrence) the most bizarre stuff can happen in one day, but for some odd reason, it seems like a normal day. Funny thinking back on it though, went to a pretty heavy concert today, was awsome. Then went to the red raven and the old cinema grill was being rent out (the cinema grill is right across the street from the red raven) to some screaming yelling exercising singing dancing crazy fest of christians. it was interesting to say the least, i actually walked over there and watched them for a little bit, wasc creapy, was asked if i wanted to get high with the highest, cause god is the highest... then i talked to a hardcore socialist, then some random black guy tried to sell me and one of my friends CDs that we were pretty sure were stolen ( why woulda person try to sell cd's at 11:30 at night to random people) Then to pass some more time me and my friend Chris (boondocksaint on metamudcreatiosn) both played halo, we system linked and both had diffrent tv's we did sniper matches wich were intense.
Overal ive done basicly nothing this summer, got a haircut, and dyed it, it didnt turn the dark red that i wanted it to.... nope not close, more of a nice.... Eggplant color, its alright though, im keeping it like this. :D. I might have to try to make it to Milnor/Wyndmere sometime soon hang out with Lolly~chan and darkhuntress15 and Elizabeth and CERM cause they are a cool bunch, get an early viewing of Lollys drawings ^_^ im sure Jennifer will have some to, if she's at home... well im off to do random stuff, take care
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
Party of One (The Loners Manifesto)
Hmm reading a really good book, the name of it is the subject of this post.... It's nice, it makes me not feel like such a total outcast for being a loner, for being reclusive. Sure i have my impulsive moments, but a majority of my time is at home, in my room, reading, listening to music, on the computer, playing games, drawing, whatever. Most of the time of my life is spent in my own familiar four walls. Often i feel bound to this small area, not bound restrained into it, but that no other rooms in this house are mine, they are not my property. I feel limited... This is why i cant wait to move out.
I've been thinking of alot of things lately. Ive been dealing with alot of things lately, and i have just been trying to get things sorted out in my head. I have noticed that whenver someone wants to rid me in there lives, for whatever reason, they do not go, i cant do this, they disappear, they ignore. It bothers me.
-sigh- heh would really like a girlfriend.. i contradict myself, but as ive said many a times be fore "I like to be alone, but everyonce in a while the lonliness gets to me" It's hard to become good solid friends with someone, when you have a hell of a time being open, or for the fact that a majority of my time i like to be alone, i prefer to be alone. People misunderstand me for wanting to be alone, many people thing that im pushing them away because i want to be alone. When all it really is, is me wanting to be alone, like a smoker who leaves his family for a ciggerate at a resteraunt.
Nothing really has been going on in my life. Still playign Kingdom hearts two, i dont play more than an hour and a half a day, im level 89 though, trying to push for 100% completion, see if anything nifty happens.. Waiting for May 21 (graudation) because it will be a nice temporarily relief, then its off to finding a job and an appartement. Im currently looking for both right now... how i would love a 1 bed eficiency appartment in the middle of fargo...
This has been my rant... check out my friends website, im the (co admin) im currently workign on Bass Ackwords the comic strip that appears there, not much now, but we are still getting things pounded out. This website is all hosted from my friends basement, server and everything. It's awsome. But im am drowsy. I am in need of sleep.
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Monday, February 27, 2006
Has been a while since i posted hmm? So, theres not alot that has happend lately, been to a couple speech meets, been meeting peoples at my new hideout.. My new hideout being noneother then "The Red Raven" Tis a cool little coffee shop, in a basement... it is an awsome little establishment... I burnt the roof of my mouth on some pizza saturday. its still sensitive. blargh... but yes i have a new saturday night drink there... tis called a double espresso with a chaser of MT. Dew X_X doubleshot is sooooo strong, but yes.
My life has been pretty boring, have had nothing to do, had no school friday due to weather (Hooray!) Looking at laptops and colleges, i would like to go to the art college in minniapolis, but i might have to get my bach in art and UND or NDSU and i probably will go into Graphic Design, something with art or music.... Those two are my life.. um add computers, those three are my life hehehe how could i forget about computers, oh sweet sweet technology.
But yes, nothing much is new in my life, going to prom with Cern April 22nd, and i promised someone else i was going to prom with them the 8th so April sounds like a fun week, have to babysit the -thinks 17th of March, because of a person's b-day- woo more descretionary income. got my ACT scores back today 23, not the best, but its better then what i set as a minimum standard (21) well i should get going soon. hmm i actually wrote a halfway decent post.
Thank lolly for pushing me into writing this otaku post, and give a lil credit to jenna as well to pushing me to write something... hehe ^^; well
I shall call it a day. Seyonnara!!
See ya later space cowboy ;)
-Miller aka squisy aka Daemon
P.S. Indubididly.....
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Think it has been a while since i have posted last. So, what have i been up to? Well for starters i have foun myself a new hideout, a little coffee shop in a basement, in downtown fargo. Called the "Red Raven" its pretty awsome, its an ecclectic little place, tin ceilings, dark paint, alterntative music playing.
Otherwise, i have just been drawing, playing piano, which reminds me, my one thing that i want, very very very badly FFVII Advent children, The piano music that plays in the background when Tifa is fighting Kodouj i believe is his name. I want it really badly its an awsome arrangement, it the battle theme. (starts humming it). Lately i have been playing FFVIII which is a pretty good game. Thinking of doing some fan art. i started a Sheezyart account (username Tetheredtear) I only have a couple of photos on there right now, starting my own kirby fan club, cause kirby roxxors.
Blah, suppose i should do something for it essentials. Well talk ta ya all later
Jet: Where's Spike? Can you help me track him down?
Laughing Bull: All living things, every being that walks and breathes, each has it's own star.
Jet: Huh?
Laughing Bull: When a life is born, a new star appears. That is the guardian star, the star that warms this planet is someone's guardian star as well. The red star you see overhead, and the blue star in the horizon. And when a life ends, the star falls and disappears.
Jet: Don't say that.
Laughing Bull: You, Running Rock...
Jet: That's not my name! Don't call me that!
Laughing Bull: His star is about to fall. I have dreamed it.
Jet: Ah!...This is ridiculous. What am I doing here?
Laughing Bull: Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than lightning, but it is when we do not show fear,it casts its eye on us gently and casts us to infinity.
see ya later space cowboy
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I Rant NOWz!
Hmm thought i should do a random rant, because, i havent done on for a while. For those who dont know already im a little excissive on the commas (these little dudes right here,)... Mr. Period, your friend at the end (he lets you know when its okay to breathe)...(some right there) So, hmm lets see, dropped accounting and have my first study hall from all of Highschool, thinking bout going into Minnesota state and tech college next year, going into graphical design sounds ineresting, and i get to be create and artsy which is what i like.
Not a whole lot has been happening, im pretty much a loner though, i spend most of my time at home, doing nothing, today and ever wensday i have piano practice, ive been playing piano for aoroun 11 years. But yes, all i do is help out with chores, play piano, play video games go on the computer. Im pretty introvertive to (it means i keep my feelings and thoughts most of the time to my self). Just been kinda spacing out lately, should really try and buckle down, get things done, but ive been pretty distant with everything lately. -shrugs- is how i usually am.
Been picking up and doing more drawings lately, will have to scan them and throw them in here, though i usually throw most of them in my dev art account (i believe, might be (
Hmm off to draw some Link and Zelda, maybe some FLCL or maybe even KIRBY kirby roxxors
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***You Were a Skunk***
You carry yourself with sensuality and a flowing energy.
You have a great reputation, and you follow your own (good) advice.
What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
***Your Power Color Is Lime Green***
At Your Highest:
You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.
At Your Lowest:
You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.
In Love:
You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.
How You're Attractive:
Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.
Your Eternal Question:
"What else do I need in my life?"
What's Your Power Color?
***You Are a Losing Lottery Ticket!***
Full of hope and promise.
But in the end, a cheap letdown.
What Crappy Christmas Gift Are You?
***Your Japanese Name Is...***
Ryozo Matsumoto
What's your Japanese Name?
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