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myOtaku.com: TfJsmn

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FF X-2 -1000 Words
Hi,everyone and welcome to my page.Please look at my drawing I did of Inuyasha.You can also visit my website.Right now I need to update it alot but i just haven't got around to it,mainly b/c i have to go to school now.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Oh,yeah just so everyone knows.My beautiful little baby girl turned 3 on the 21st of December so,please leave a comment wishing her Happy Birthday.Jasmine is my dog by the way.She's a Pekingese and she is white with some cream.She is really smart,she knows how to do math and lots of other things.I have proof to if anyone wants to see my videos of her doing her tricks let me know,I'll email them to you.Below are some pics of her.
Older pics.
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Most Recent Pics.She just went through alot of shedding from having a recent litter of puppies.She's still beatiful though.
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Monday, October 31, 2005

My Artwork
Also,if anyone would like to see more of my art just click on the banner
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Made By TfJsmn

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