Gender •
Female Location • who wants to noe aye?? *fists* Member Since • 2005-09-28 Occupation • jrock obsessor >< Real Name • thanh thao
Achievements • hmmm....absolutely nufin Anime Fan Since • i was Favorite Anime • Enavgelion - so profound... Goals • to b interesting Hobbies • any thing that occupies my time Talents • being talentless thaoiRYU
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
BACK from practically being dead
heheh yay finally i had time to log into MyO...miss me??? doubt it... TwT heheh no probs just so happy to have spare time!!!
errrr i oficially hate chemistry...we had a test today..and i swear to god!!! that i will GAH...i dunno wat i would do...but u bet its going to be harsh... (well u noe i probably wont do anymore than just complain >.>)
amazingly enuf nothing has happened to me since i last wrote my blog...argh i have no life ... =o=
hmm well in adelaide the avcons comming..i actually am going this yeaer..for the first time..eeeee otakuness to the max aye?? hahaha i managed to get some of my frends to agree to go...hehehe
oh well thats all from me and yay!! no homework...gah past month has been HELL BITCH to me!!! heheh so happy its over!! phew ^.^
and OMG gackts birthday was yesterdays!!! lol how old is he now?!?!?! o.0 meh i dont care i LOVE him!!!!
jaaa ne!
i havent been on since...wat feels like...FOREVEr...
well just thort i mite come on and say...i'll b back in like 2 months..have to do all this skool isnt even that much homework..just asssignment after the next...dont even think its that neccesary...i wont b checkin on asites...coz i gotta go... =[ sorry that ihavnt been the greatest OTAKUAIN?..but ye...hmm hmmm well i better b going..see you all in another like 2 moths =[ Comments (7) |
Saturday, May 20, 2006
well yet ANOTHER jrock fanvid i i mentioned before i was feeling pretty crap..and u get bored so easily when ur i made a fanvid...hehehe a whole days work! hmm well i have to say...i kinda slacked off towards the end...heheh shhhh...hope u guys enjoy it! ^^
blah! i'm so sorry i've been away for a while..y? ye i'm soo angry the internet was down for far toooooooo long! and now i'm sick..i have influenza heheh aka the flu! wow sumfin i learnt in sciene...
well coz i'm sick i had the time to go on my o...T_T but i dont feel like doing much...i'll try to get to as many sites as possible..but i have a feeling i will disappear once again...coz its near mid term and so ASSSSSIGNMENTS everywhere!! -.-''
T_T back to school in 2 days...ugh...y?!?! and i have to do my geography homework -.-; and being the genius i am i left my exercise book somewhere where i can and probably will never find it...this sucks...
oh well i guess the up side to this is i get to see my friends...and i guess i'll have something to do other than just sit around...oh well SCHOOL HERE I COME!!!..even tho i reluctantly do so.. T_T Comments (6) |
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
heyy everyone...i decided to change my theme to KuRt...
as you can see its another jrock band XD hehehe i've just reallly like this band...have no idea tho..their music is good ^^ and their look is just equally good ^^ hehehe too bad one of my favourite members from this band left (bassist; Oto) *cries* oh well the new guy..cant remember the name seems like a pretty good bassist... Comments (4) |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
hey... well not much happened today..
yesterday i made a little jrock fanvid, cant really say its was only sumfin i did to kill time... -.-' well hope u enjoy it...
btw i want to make a miyavi fanvid..but i havent got enough clips..wondering if u noe where i can download some...kinda just looking for mainly messages for fans and lives...pv's would b ok... Comments (6) |
Monday, April 24, 2006
bak x.X
well actually i've been bak for a while..just havent got the energy to turn on my comp and go on the net...eee agen..well tomoro i'll definately go check out some of ur sites...well hu ever updates... ^^""
nehu melbourne was such a waste of my time...worthless holiday..and gosh wat a waste of money...i've been there b4 but never thort it'll b soooooo bad the second time around... T_T well ppl that i've talked to say that u should go shopping there...but well ahem I COULDNT FIND ANYTHING TO BUY...dammit...and i was looking forward to the souveneirs -.-'' yep i returned with basically my luggage...probably less than that coz i always leave stuff behind...and we blew all our money on food..and it was pretty bad, we only ate like 10 yum cha baskets and thats like 80 dollars kidding!! rip off..and the food was pretty crap compared to ur 3.50 per basket variety... ye it was so crap we left and walke to another place down the road..hehe that place was nice...but still not great.. T_T well everyone sorry for the complaints but bad holidays...FUSTRATING
ahhh i havent been able to get onto my otaku lately...soory coz that means i havent been to ur sites =[ which really sucks seeing the only reason y i havent been on lately is because of school... =o= but hey its last day tomoro ... well for the term newaiz..we get our reports.. T_T eee i hope i did well enuf to get sumfin out of cash!! but doubt it... hafta at least get 5/7 a's to actually recieve like 5 far its going ok...failing english and mayb genetics but hey thats 2/5 lets hope i dont fail any other subjects X.X
well i wont be on MyO for a while probably not til tuesday...i'm going to melbourne@!!! ee but coz its public holidays they'll b nothing to do...
sad sad friends are moving back to japan on saturday...they only came here for like a term to study english...ahh i'm going to miss them they're such nice people ^^
ahh well thats all from me today...hmm is this a long post coz it feels like i've been typing for a while now...well HAPPY EASTER HOLIDAYS and ye i have some time so i'll try my best to visit the updated sites today... Comments (6) |