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Friday, March 31, 2006
soo tired to day..and u noe wat i've been sleeping 8+ hours a day!! which is wat is recommended and i'm stilll sleepy...
hehehe today i slept in english class...we were silently reading animal farm...ugh such a boring story...its so lame..i mean i get the whole trying to make communism known through a creative process...but honestly talking pigs?!?! i think i'd rather read a text book...only up to chap 4 T_T hafta finish it by monday =.='' hateee class novels they suk! rarely do we ever get to read good ones!!
well on a better note! the big badminton match off is on!!! ye joy!! u better b coming...sooo gonna beat u tomoro... ^^ if i dont just disreguard the arrogant comments made prior to the match, agreed?
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
well i changed my theme to nightmare!
wow thats a really short post...well today i had badminton...showed up for a game that was CANCELLED!!! half of the team knew...i was one of the baka few hu left training early and so wasnt informed !! T_T wat a waste of my time...
hmm oh yea...i'm trying to dl nobuta wo produce...got first episode and it was soo good!!!! hehehe i'll leave u all now with a pic

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
well i tried my best to go to everyones site....soory if i missed neones...:S
well wat can i say this week has been pretty hectic... i havent been doing much but it felt like i had absolutely no time...weirrrd..
hmm welll we had sports day my team lost...figures...T_T
oh and i found out what hentai really means...i thort it meant strange so i just called all my frends hentai then i find out that it means...peverted..hahaha i'm kinda embarassed but oh well...i'll live...
erm well thats pretty much all i have to say for today... oh theres a japanese exchange trip on next yr...its like 2.5 grand for 11 days..is it worthit?...[atm i'm being threated by joi-kun she is going to kill me if i didnt go...but then agen she probably wont suceed..i mean her only weapon is safety scissors..heheh sadddd...]
oh one more thing...should i change the theme?..to wat tho? sugestions plzzzz
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Monday, March 13, 2006
mina, gomenasai =[
Mina! gomen gomen gomen! =[ sorry i havent been to ppls sites lately...i've tried to visit everyone tho.. :S but dammit i've had sooooo much homework...hmm well just came here to post an apology....
well i'll leave u with a picc from 'goong' i used to watch it until i ran out of spare time due to hw!!! >=/
left to right: hyorin, shin, chaegyung, yul s2

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
well today was a bad day...i was so excited coz i was finally allowed to have a japanese exchange student! and then wen i went to the office to ask...they didnt have ne left...=[ i'm under as a reserve but like still i doubt i will beable to host one...wat a pity... =[ i'm soo upset...oh well i guess there's always next year!!!!! XD awwww but that's soooo long...hmph
alritey well on the up side i'm downloading kimi wa petto ^^ hahaha apparently jun matsumoto is really kute in it XD well its going to b another week til i can watch it...but atm i'm watching this korean comedy...GOONG its pretty good so far ^^
well ja! gotta do my hw... -.-
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Friday, March 3, 2006
well today was my best frends birthday!!! XD hahaha well she doesnt go on MyO...but i thort i mite post my lil e-card i made for her... ^^

the h of happy got cut off =[ it was funny today coz she got soooo embarassed at skool she was showered with gifts ^^ last yr was scary tho...got a gift from three of her stalkers...hahha this yr they moved back overseas...
oh and tomoros my mums bday!! hahaha i made her an e-card too...

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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
-_____-' my hair is no longer psychedellic red...i just died it back to plain old black....damm i really thort i could get away with it at skool...its been a week and i wasnt in trouble...buttt today..the stoopid old yr level coordinator told me to 'do sumfin about my hair'....ye and i had to!!...so its plain...i miss the red...*sighs" good ol' days...
well thats all i'm still morning at the loss of my red streaks...dam that guy...noone else thort it was 'inappropriate'...
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
ye i'm bored and i feel pissed off... -.-' dunno y tho...really weird o0 but newaiz i should really b studying, think thats y i'm peed off coz i cant remember all the freaking countries in the world and the test is tomoro!!! ye i should b but i gave up hope...its almost hopless now....so ye i'm gonna go look for some music...ne ideas????
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Friday, February 24, 2006
my hair ^^
hahah well my hair turned out ok..the colour is just soo perfect the streaks...well not so great...but the colour!! hahaha my sister ses it resembles ruka from nightmare...so heres a pic my hair is just the slightest bit like it...the colour is exact tho :P

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Thursday, February 23, 2006
bad hair!!!!! o_0
hmmm ye ok well i guess it was partly my fault for letting my cousin bleach and dye my hair!!
well so far its gone pretty bad.... the dye still in my hair...but i have a feeling wen it washes out its gonna b really really bad....argh!! i'm sooo terrified....but okay lets just hope for the best!!!....
ye well thats all for today!
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