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| The Angel Sango
Thursday, January 17, 2008
chapter eleven and twelve: (be prepared to hate malfoy)
chapter eleven:
Christmas break ended, Harry and Miles were back at school. They spent their first weekend back with their girlfriends, talking and laughing. Sometime Miles would say something random and Ginny would punch him in the arm, "Could ya not hit me? I need my arm." Miles whined.
Ginny laughed and shook her head "Aw, c'mon." Miles said falling backwards. Luna pulled him up by the front of his robe, and dusted him off.
Katlyn came walking up, she sat next to them "Hey, guys." she said weakly.
Miles looked at her "You okay?" he asked.
Katlyn smiled weakly "I'm fine..." She replied.
Ginny looked at her "Kat, what's wrong? You can tell us." Ginny reassured.
Katlyn opened her mouth to say something when Draco Malfoy came walking up, he leaned down and kissed Katlyn on the cheek "Hey, hon." he said.
Miles and Harry's jaw dropped as they stared utterly confused at Katlyn and Malfoy. "Hi, Draco." she replied.
Malfoy sat next to her, he looked at Harry and Miles (who were still staring with their jaws open) and smiled smugly. Luna and Ginny looked at Katlyn "You're dating Malfoy?" they asked.
Katlyn smiled weakly but gave no reply. Miles shook off his confusion and looked at Katlyn "Okay, what'd he blackmail you with?" Miles asked.
"Nothing." Katlyn replied.
"Kat, what did Malfoy do to make you go out with him?" asked Harry.
"Nothing." Katlyn said.
Miles knew this was a lie and one way or the other he was going to find out what was going on. Katlyn stood up and looked worried as she did. She walked away with no goodbye. Malfoy looked at them, Miles glaring, his glare was as bad as Severus', Ginny had her fist dubbled up, Luna rolled up her magazine and Harry had out his wand.
"Tell me, now, Malfoy, what did you do to Kat?" Harry said.
"Nothing." he replied.
"Why the hell are you hangin out with us if ya hate us so damn much?" Miles said.
"I'm just checkin on Kat."
"Then go!!" they all shouted.
Malfoy stood up and stormed off. The gang sat and discussed what Malfoy could've done to Kat.
Ginny walked into her dormity, Katlyn was sitting on the bed holding her pillow and crying, mumbling to herself. Ginny began to worry and quickly walked over there, she sat next to Katlyn and hugged her "What's wrong?" Ginny asked.
Katlyn looked at her "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Katlyn replied.
Ginny nodded.
Miles and Katlyn sat next to each other in Potions the next day, "Miles, can you tell me how to make a luck potion?" Severus asked.
Miles looked up at Severus "Using the grease in your filthy hair." Miles smartmouthed.
Severus glared at Miles "100 points from Ravenclaw." Severus said.
Miles shrugged, he didn't care, Severus abandoned him, Ryan and his mother, he was going to make Severus misreable. A fellow Ravenclaw threw a stone at the back of Miles' head, blood slowly dripped down "Davies..." Miles mumbled angrily as he rubbed his wound.
Katlyn grabbed her stomach and wretched, Miles looked at her and jumped up, he helped her to her feet, they quickly rushed to the Hospital Wing.
"What!?!?" Miles yelled jumping from his chairs.
Madom Pomfrey glared at him, Katlyn nodded her head as she pulled her robe back on, she carefully stood up, she looked at Miles and smiled, she walked over to him and hugged him, she whispered sorry in his ear and left. Miles stood there, pondering over what he discovered. He walked out of the Hospital Wing, and down to the Great Hall for lunch. There he was met by Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna "Is she okay?" they asked.
Miles glanced up at them and nodded, they all sighed with relief, Miles walked off to the Ravenclaw table without a word. He sat down next to Cho Chang, she smiled at him "Wish you luck Saturday." she said smiling.
Miles looked at her and smiled "Thanks." he said. He picked up a sandwich and just stared at it "Miles, what's wrong?" she asked.
"My friend's gonna have a baby." he replied.
"What's so bad about that?" Cho asked.
"She's still in school..." Miles replied.
Cho wrapped her arms around him "Oh, Miles, it's alright, Kat knows what she's doing." Cho replied.
"How do you know it's Kat?" Miles asked.
"Because, since this morning Malfoy's bragging that he and Kat are gonna have a perfect pureblood family." Cho replied.
Miles stood up to find Malfoy and do something about what he did to Katlyn, he was protective of her, she was like his baby sister, she needed him, she even said she did.
chapter twelve:
Miles sat in the common room that night, thinking about Ryan, before they had left Ryan fell ill, and begged Miles to stay, Miles wanted to but couldn't, he had to go back to school. Things just weren't going Miles' way, Katlyn wasn't talking to him, Severus was even colder to him than ever, and Ryan was very ill. Tears ran down his face, he couldn't do anything to help them, he felt more alone than ever.
Luna walked up to him, she sat down by him and wrapped her arms around his arm "Miles?" she asked.
Miles looked at her, tears still falling out of his icy blue eyes, Luna put her hand on Miles' cheek and wiped his tears away "Miles, it's alright." Luna said smiled.
Miles wrapped his arms around Luna, she was the only who stood by his side, Luna held him close and told him it was alright.
Katlyn stood by the window with Harry "You should talk to Miles, ya know." Harry said.
Katlyn looked at him "I can't, I betrayed him." she said.
"I promise him I'd never date Malfoy...but I am..." Katlyn said beginning to cry.
Harry looked at her "You don't like Malfoy do you?" he asked.
Katlyn shook her head "No, I never have!" she said.
"Then why are you dating him?" Harry asked walking close Katlyn.
"He blackmailed me, Harry. What was I supposed to do?" Katlyn asked.
"What'd he blackmail you with?"
"I stayed here over Christmas break, I didn't know Malfoy did too, and I was walking by the room of Requirement and Malfoy pulled me in and I guess you can guess what happened." Katlyn said.
Harry hugged Katlyn close and told her it was alright and to talk to Miles.
Katlyn pulled Miles away from his cerial the next morning "I need to talk to you." she said.
"I need to eat my cerial." Miles said trying to get back to it.
Katlyn put her hands on her hips and frowned. Miles sighed and gave up, he walked with Katlyn out of the Great Hall "Look, Miles, I don't really like Malfoy, okay?" she said.
She began to explain everything she told Harry. When she was done Miles had his mouth opened wide and stared at her, Katlyn rolled her eyes and slapped Miles' forehead.
Miles rubbed his forehead and looked at her "You really enjoy pickin on me, don't you." Miles asked.
Malfoy came walking up to them before Katlyn could reply "What're you doing with this freak?" he asked.
Miles glared at Malfoy "Shove off, Malfoy." Miles said.
"Shouldn't you be with your loony girlfriend?" Malfoy asked.
Katlyn pushed Malfoy "That's my friend you're talkin to!" she snapped.
"What of it?" he asked.
"Don't you ever talk bad about Luna or Miles!!" she snapped.
Malfoy pushed Katlyn, Miles caught her in his arms. Malfoy took of walking, Miles helped Katlyn up "C'mon, let's go." he said.
Miles opened a letter his Owl Oreo delivered, it was from his mother:
Dear Miles,
how's school? I do hope everything is alright. Don't worry about Ryan, he is coming home today, the Healers tell me he should be getting better soon.
Please tell your father I would like to talk him, tell him I miss him. Please Miles, try to work things out between you two.
I don't know what else to say, but I love you and miss you.
Miles placed the letter under his pillow and laid down, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
(tomorrow is chapter thriteen and fourteen)
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