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| The Angel Sango
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen:
chapter seventeen:
Miles rolled off his bed Saturday morning "Owie..." he whined. He rubbed his head and sat up, a friend of his laughed "Fallin of the bed this early?" he asked. Miles mock laughed "Bite me!" Miles shot back.
"Oooohhh, ya know ya really shouldn't tell me that, remember I'm half vampire." his friend said.
Miles gulped "Hah ha, don't worry, Miles. I wouldn't bite a friend, unless they really wanted me to then I go into consideration." his friend laughed.
Miles glared at his friend "Don't joke like that!" Miles said.
His friend tilted his head looking confused "Eh? I wasn't joking, if a friend really wanted to be biten I would probably bite em."
Miles grabbed his clothes from his trunk and got dressed, his friend sat on his bed "You comin ta Hogsmaede with me?" he asked.
Miles nodded. "You look pale, Kisho, you alright?" Miles asked.
Kisho looked surprised "Ah, must be that time then. Haven't had any for awhile." Kisho replied.
Kisho got his clothes and bag and him and Miles walked down to the Great Hall. Luna and Juliet came up "Morn'n!" they said.
Miles smiled and patted Juliet "Good puppy got up on time." Miles teased.
Juliet bit Miles' hand "Puppy bites!" she said.
Kisho laughed "Still got spunk." he said.
Juliet glared at Kisho "And where the hell have you been!? I haven't heard from you in over five months!!!" Juliet yelled.
Kisho looked at her wide eyed "I told you, I had to go to Tokyo for awhile." Kisho replied.
Juliet frowned "Kiyoshima has been constantly asking me "Where's daddy? Where's daddy?" Do you know how annoyin it it!?" Juliet snapped.
Kisho laughed nervously "I'm sorry love, I'll be home this summer." Kisho replied.
Juliet groaned and stormed away mummbling about Kisho. Luna and Miles looked at Kisho "Who's Kiyoshima?" they asked.
Kisho looked at Luna and Miles confused "She never told you? How could you not know? Kiyoshima is our son." Kisho replied.
Miles fainted, Luna shrugged "I'm going to get some pudding." she said and skipped off.
Kisho looked down at Miles and threw him over his shoulder and took him to the hospital wing.
Kisho and Miles bought some snacks and sat in the Three Broomsticks, "I can't believe you did that to my sister!!!" Miles snapped.
"It was a long time ago, and it was an accident, at least I stood by her side unlike your dad." Kisho said.
Miles opened his mouth to protest but didn't, he looked down at his Butterbeer "I guess you're right. I'm glad you stand by her." Miles replied.
"Miles, don't feel bad because your dad didn't raise you, but ya know what? Proffessor Snape is your dad and you can't say he ain't, a dad is someone who raises you." Kisho said.
"Whatever happened to your dad?" Miles asked.
"My dad was a vampire, he moved out here from Tokyo, he met my mom and they fell in love, but my dad never drank one lick of blood and a month after I was born dad died because he wouldn't drink blood." Kisho said.
"Why?" Miles asked.
"He loved my mom and he didn't want to be a blood-sucking beast around her, so he gave up blood entirely." Kisho replied.
Miles smiled "He must've really loved her."
"Yep, with his life." Kisho said.
Something came flying through the window, the glass shattered everywhere, Kisho and Miles screamed in pain as the glass cut them up. Miles looked to see if Kisho was okay, Kisho was shaking uncontrolibly, he was clutching the side of his head, his eyes were wide open "N-n-no." Miles whispered.
Miles crawled over to Kisho, he grabbed onto his friend's shoulders "Kisho?" Miles asked.
"G-get away!" Kisho whispered.
"Nuh uh!" Miles replied.
Miles noticed Kisho's fangs were coming down, "Kisho?" Miles asked.
Kisho shook his head "Go!" Kisho snapped.
Miles didn't know why, "Kisho!?" A voice asked.
Miles turned around and saw Juliet coming. She sat next to Kisho, she put her hands on his face "Listen to me, Kisho. This isn't who you are. You aren't like this, baby, fight it." Juliet said.
She leaned over and kissed his lips, Kisho's eyes were turning a sickingly red color. Kisho screamed in pain, he scratched at her, cutting her cheek, Juliet didn't budge she stayed right where she was. Miles watched as Kisho attacked Juliet, why wasn't she getting away? Miles pulled on her arm "Get away from him!" Miles said.
Juliet shook her head "He needs me." she said.
She wrapped her arms around Kisho and held him close "I'm here, Kisho, you don't need to be afraid anymore." Juliet said.
Kisho went back to normal, tears fell from his eyes and he wrapped Juliet in a tight hug "I'm sorry, love, I'm sorry." he said.
Miles smiled and stood up, he put his hands in his pockets, he was proud of his little sister.
chapter eighteen:
Miles walked down the stairs, he noticed a person in a black cloak standing at the bottom, "Hm?" Miles asked. The person looked at him, Miles could tell that it was a Death Eater, "Oh boy..." Miles mummbled. He continued walking down the stairs, knowing they probably wouldn't hurt him because of his father. Miles nodded to the person and walked faster, he knew something wasn't right. He saw Neville coming out of the boys restroom "Neville!" Miles said.
Neville looked at him "Yeah?" he asked.
"Where's Harry?" Miles replied.
"I dunno. But he isn't in the common room." Neville replied.
Miles grabbed Neville and pushed him in the bathroom "This ain't gonna end good, I just saw a Death Eater." Miles said.
"A Death Eater!?" Neville yelled.
Miles covered Neville's mouth "Shhh! I don't want them hearing us, just go and be prepared!" Miles said.
Neville took off running to his common room. Miles looked over his shoulder and saw Severus coming up "Dad!" he called.
Severus looked at Miles, "What're you doing?" he asked.
"I went to the bathroom, unless that became illegal." Miles said.
Severus rolled his eyes "Dad, what's going on?" Miles asked.
"Just go back to your common room and stay there." Severus said.
Miles walked past his father, "I ain't doing that." Miles said quietly.
He walked up the stairs when a bright light blinded him.
Miles opened his eyes, Kisho and Harry were standing over him "You alright?" Kisho asked.
Miles sat up "What happened?" he asked.
Kisho sighed "Death Eaters invaded, Dumbledore's dead..." Kisho replied.
Harry looked away and stood up "I'm going." he said.
"Harry? You alright?" Miles asked.
"Just leave me alone." Harry replied and took off running.
Miles looked at Kisho "What's up with him?" he asked.
"Your father killed Dumbledore." Kisho replied.
Miles' eyes opened wide "What!?" Miles asked.
Kisho shook his head "Look, Miles, I don't know what happened, but your dad killed Dumbledore." Kisho replied.
Miles stared at his friend in disbelief, tears started to fall, he didn't want to believe this, it just couldn't be true. Miles punched the ground and cursed under his breath.
Miles, Kisho, Luna, and Juliet sat together on the train two days later, Miles didn't say a word, he looked out the window, Juliet was asleep on Kisho's shoulder, and Luna was leaning on Miles while reading the Quibler. Soon they arrived at King's Cross, Miles and Luna said their goodbyes, Miles promising he'd try to visit her that summer. Juliet whined about being tired, Kisho picked up and piggybacked her, Juliet and Kisho waved goodbye and headed off to find Juliet's grandparents. Ryan jumped into Miles' arms "Guess what!" he said.
"What?" Miles asked.
"I lost a tooth!" Ryan shouted excitedly.
Ryan showed Miles his tooth "Wow, that's cool." Miles said.
They got in the car and headed home. Their house hadn't changed a bit, Miles looked around and walked up to his room, he didn't want to talk to anyone. He sat on his bed, he looked out the window. The door opened, Amy walked in "Honey, you okay?" she asked.
"Never better." he replied.
"I know you're really hurt about what happened. But don't let it get to you." She said.
Miles smiled "Okay, mom." he said.
Amy hugged Miles and kissed his forehead "Now, you go downstairs and play Quidditch with Ryan." she said.
Miles nodded.
(enjoy! heh heh)
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