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Pennsylvania, United States
Member Since
Student (sophomore)
Real Name
Constant improvement in artwork, being one of the shortest in my school, school honor stuff here and there, etc.
Anime Fan Since
I was like 4 years old and watched Sailor Moon constantly. My anime fandom has continued ever since.
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, PeaceMaker, Samurai X, Rurouni Kenshin, Hunter X Hunter, Naruto, Azumanga Daioh, Rave Master, Gundam Wing, Madlax, Noir, Fruits Basket, One Piece, Get Backers, Outlaw Star, .hack//SIGN, Elfen Lied, Loveless, etc.
Become a great manga-ka, conquer the world, learn martial arts, etc.
Art, books, video games, field hockey, anime, guitars, sleeping, etc.
Artistic, creative, random, intelligent, unique, etc.
| The Dark Elf
Konnichiwa minna-san! I'm the Random Otaku: Loralyn! AKA The Dark Elf.
I'm into lot's of things...I don't like being "narrow minded". Drawing and such is really one of the things I enjoy doing most. Sometimes it's hard to get inspiration though. XD
I have a new hobby! Creating avatars and signatures :P It's fun, and keeps me busy when I'm bored lol Video games are fun too...XD they've been rotting the remaining bits of my brain for years...lolz That's why I have a "cavity" now...It thinks for me and tells me what to do...O.o I thinkz it's a lil demented though...XD crazy thoughts...
When I grow up...I WANNA BE A NINJA!!! XD They're so cool! Too bad they're not a real profession anymore...T.T I still wanna learn ninjutsu anyway...gotta learn how to protect myself, ya know?! X.x
Um...oh yeah...if any of you add me as a friend, could you please tell me? Whether it's in the guestbook or just a message...I want to return the favor and add you as well ^-^ I'll even sign your guestbook! Those are fun...:P And thank you for viewing my site! -=bows respectively=-
Okies! Time for a Sanzo quote:
"Even if I don't believe in God, I can believe in myself."
~Sanzo to Shuuei (Gensomaden Saiyuki)
Saturday, September 17, 2005
How long has it been?
XD Holy friggin' crap! I haven't been on for like...EVER! lol Letsee...what's been new? Hm...
There's been a bunch of...guys hitting on me and my sis online XD but I guess that's to be expected. lolz It's crazy.
School's being a pain, as expected. Spanish class especially, I have a psycho teacher X.x She's totally friggin' obsessive. It's scary. My backpack's so heavy too >.< I swear it'll end up breaking one of these days. I've had it since elementary school XD rofl.
Ah field hockey...practice is every single day, unless there's no school or coach says otherwise X.x It's a killer. I don't get home until after 6 p.m. and have homework to do afterwards. X.X No wonder I don't have as much time to get online lol. Field hockey season will be over in a month or I should be able to have more time ^.^ WOOT! lol Nonetheless, I still love the sport.
Hn...I think that's it...can't think...I'm getting a headache...dunno why XD

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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Three Day Weekend...
Thank the gods we have a three day weekend! I'm already tired of school...and I still have to do some work for history and math class >.< dang. I'll do it all tomorrow...if I can get off the computer, and take a break from
Our field hockey team finally had their first game this season. Varsity lost. JV won. Yay JV! I'm guessing I'm on JV this year because there aren't enough newcomers this season to move some of us up into varsity...I'm guessing. Only like...three new people this year...and that's it...that bites. The game was kinda funny. Our opposing team was completely lost. I had to resist laughing outloud at them. :P
We need another goalie too...I volunteered, but the gear's a bit...big. We don't know if we'll be able to find someone else, but if not...I guess I'm it...unless someone else wants to do it...<.<; No one seems to like goalie...I think it's kinda fun.
Oh, here's another new siggy I made. This is Soubi from Loveless. His other name is "Beloved". He's kinda perverted...but he's cool nonetheless XD lolz

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Uhehe...I Didn't Go to School Today...
Ugh...definitely out of shape I am. I nearly died in field hockey practice my first day O.o My gut had been hurting from some unknown reason, but everything else was fine...until we had to sprint our 100 yard (slightly under 100 meter)field six times. X.x I ran, but I'm horrible at sprints, I was hyper ventilating after we finished >.< It hurt.
School is okay though. Except Spanish class. I got stuck with the teacher I didn't want T.T They're so friggin' obssessed with Spanish. I can't even utter a single English word without getting points deducted off my grade >.< It's torture. I can't even read my precious manga 'coz it's in English. Grrr...
Oh yeah...anyone who noticed my subject title is probably wondering "Why?". So here's your answer to "Why?" lol I've been feeling a little "under the weather" ever since I got back from my trip. I've been having some stomach issues as of late; nausea and the like <.<; Quite annoying it is >.<
Okies...something a bit...happier? XD lolz I finally made some new signatures. They're not Saiyuki though XD They're from the series known as "Loveless". It's only in Japan I think. I want the manga out in English soon though >.< The one I have displayed here is the character Ritsuka, his other name is "Loveless". He's so cute lol.

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Featured Quiz Result:
Yay! Hatori! This guy rocks!
O.o Okies...never really read or saw this series yet...but I will one day.