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Pennsylvania, United States
Member Since
Student (sophomore)
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Constant improvement in artwork, being one of the shortest in my school, school honor stuff here and there, etc.
Anime Fan Since
I was like 4 years old and watched Sailor Moon constantly. My anime fandom has continued ever since.
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, PeaceMaker, Samurai X, Rurouni Kenshin, Hunter X Hunter, Naruto, Azumanga Daioh, Rave Master, Gundam Wing, Madlax, Noir, Fruits Basket, One Piece, Get Backers, Outlaw Star, .hack//SIGN, Elfen Lied, Loveless, etc.
Become a great manga-ka, conquer the world, learn martial arts, etc.
Art, books, video games, field hockey, anime, guitars, sleeping, etc.
Artistic, creative, random, intelligent, unique, etc.
| The Dark Elf
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
My mind's tired...but I have to try and adjust back into "school mode" X.x I'm probably really out of shape for field hockey...XD I'll have to do some extra running before our first game...which happens to be this coming Friday. Dang. I still gotta find my other running shoe...I think it might've been pushed under my bed...
Hm...I think I actually won that signature contest o.o Neato! I recieved the first place prize, so I'm assuming so. XD I didn't expect to even rank rofl. And speaking of signatures...I need to make a new one...XD I think I'll make one for Saiyuki this time.
Bah. I'm bored. I think I'll go get my school stuff ready...X.x

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Friday, August 26, 2005
I have returned!
XD -=is near death O.o=- Great Scott! I'm alive! Rofl barely though.
I'm uber tired...but I'm on the computer anywayz...XD lolz I'll probably hit the sack after I post this...oh wait...I still have another community that I have to mail box is probably filled with random messages X.x dang lol
I've missed everybody T.T A whole month away from home...that's a very long time x.x I've lost some weight from my trip though ^-^ and I got sick on the way home X.x Such torture that was...I ate some Korean meal on the fifteen hour flight from Seoul to Atlanta, Georgia and let's just say that my stomach didn't agree with what I put in it >.< ugh...I don't think I'll be going near any food with seaweed on it from now on...XD My stomach still hurts from it...icky...
Nya...I was mobbed by my cousins X.x Especially the little ones. They even started beating each other up to see who would hold my hand or dance with me XD lmao...But...WHY does that always happen to me?! Little kids never leave me alone T.T I don't know why...maybe I'm cursed or something O.o I don't even like kids that much XD I don't want any of my own either. I'll just adopt if it gets down to that. Why bring more kids in the world, when there's still so many without real families or something?

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Sunday, July 24, 2005
One Day...
Hn...I'm starting to get very's due to a very pathetic quarrel between people on another community. -.- Racism basically. VERY ironic as well...but enough of that. It's a pointless topic.
T.T I'm sorry Lymae...I let you and Emma down...I was going to go to the movie theater...But I was forced to stay home and finish cleaning and packing. I really wasn't expecting to get a ride either >.< Dang...I guess my punishment is...I don't get to see the movie XD
Nya...I'm kinda down at the moment I guess...X.x Dunno. At least I can look forward to my trip...Heh, you guys most likely won't hear/see another entry for a while. Depends if I manage to get an internet connection :P

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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Two...more...days...O.o Nooo! I don't wanna get up at friggin' two in the morning! T.T I better be able to get some good sleep on that dang plane...
I get to go to the movie theater with my buds later today! ^-^ We're gonna watch that new...Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (I think that's it XD) movie. Yay! Johnny Depp! Even if he looks a bit scary in this movie X.x lol
Hm...I'm gonna just alternate my siggy' people who actually read/look at this aren't gonna want to see the same one every post, right? :P lol I gotta make more later. Need better pics...XD
Nya...I swear...I have some sort of sleeping disorder or something...I need to stop staying up so late X.x lolz

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Friday, July 22, 2005
Three Days...And Plenty of Boredom
XD Kami-sama...three days and I'm outta here until August. I'm gonna miss my computers and my bedroom T.T And my friends...and everything else I guess...except school >.< lol
Ah...the boredom...It's caused me to create more avatars and signatures again XD They're fun though; learning new techniques in Photoshop and stuff. Hm...maybe I'll post my signatures every time I make an entry in this...bloggish thing or whatever o.o It'll look pretty XD
Yup...It's two in the morning <.<; I'm tired XD I'm gonna head off to soon as I put up some siggy's I guess lol

I finished this one...technically yesterday X.x lol It's for a fun lil' contest in another community.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The Countdown...
O.o Five days...and I'll be out of the country for a month...Goodbye U.S.A! I'll be back though lol My first plane ride...o.o I hope the flight attendants don't flip...<.<; That'd be too scary XD
I so definitely need to pack all my stuff...and clean my room before I go. I'll probably have to get my school stuff ready as well...dang...I hate school.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Dang it all...
Grr...stupid server issues everywhere! X.x I've been trying to level up in an MMORPG all day...and it keeps disconnecting >.< all my stuff gets reset in the process...Now another community I'm a part of won't work...Dunno why...but it's not working for other members either. And I can't download any OST's from a different site as well. They're all disabled. T.T There were still OST's I needed/wanted to download too...Dangit...I should've done that sooner...>.<
All least I'm not the only person all this stuff's happening too XD lolz

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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Woo...bored...took a's pretty accurate.
Your Dominant Thinking Style: | Visioning
You are very insightful and tend to make decisions based on your insights.
You focus on how things should be - even if you haven't worked out the details.
An idealist, thinking of the future helps you guide your path.
You tend to give others long-term direction and momentum. | Your Secondary Thinking Style: | Exploring
You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.
You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs.
An expert inventor and problem solver, you approach everything from new angles.
You show people how to question their models of the world. |
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