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call me Sinny
Anime Fan Since
November 2004
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist, Wolfe Brothers
WORLD DOMINATION! Kidding seriously, that's Monkie's job.
I have none but if I was going for some: martial arts, falconry, scribbling, typing, poise, balance, grace, eatting, sleeping, jumping around, and just stuff like that
alchemy/ I guess none
| The Eighth Sin
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 9: Three exams all back to back, then a Chem exam on the following Monday. Results: A, B, B, D. Which class got the D? Biology. How the heck did I get a D in Biology? I'm a Biologist! Oh well.
April 23: My aunt's 7 year old nephew died. His name was Lucas. My other aunt's dog died either that Friday or during the weekend. None of this is too unusual for my mother's side of the family. It goes through times when the population drops suddenly.
Those are the only two dates that really stick out to me. I had a Bio research paper due last Friday. Did that. I have my practical this Friday. I just came from a review session and still stink like dead frogs. Unless you shy away from all this, you should know that stink doesn't just wash off. I washed my hands several times and took a shower.
I had a meeting for Australia a little bit ago...eight days. That was fun. I gave some of the boys the wrong idea about me, but they'll learn soon enough. We played a game and everyone went before me and went multiple times, so when it was my turn I said "I think I've done everything" because I couldn't think of anything I haven't done that people wouldn't mind saying in front of a prof. I haven't smoked, gotten high, gotten drunk, or had sex. People aren't going to admit to those with two profs in the room, especially when you're sort of trying to convince them it's okay to take you to another country. Yeah, so a few guys started staring at me and snickering. Sorry, boys, that's not what I meant. Minds out of the gutters please, if only for a moment. Oh, and apparently Aussie boys love trying to hook up with American girls. So we got a bunch of warnings about that. Not discouraging it, which was weird, just saying to becareful. You get in a conversation and they think you want to jump them. I think that's all guys though so I'm not going to freak out. It creeped all the other girls out. Now they all think they'll get raped just for talking to a guy over there. The way I took it, and I listened carefully, was they can buy you drinks and you can get into conversations, you just have to make it known that you don't want to go to their backseat. I'm very excellent at letting my intentions known.
Well, easy to say I have not been around. I don't go on theOtaku at all. The only anime I really like is FMA and with the new serise started I don't want to come across any jokes or wallpapers from it. So I'm going to stay away from there until I watch it in English. I made myOtaku account because I liked the first FMA but then didn't use it until I was done watching it. So you could technically subtract two or three years from my join date.
So, practical this Friday and it'll be extra hard. Then I hit finals week. I skipped most of the last Relst unit, but I should still be okay. Chem exam and quiz both got B's. I'll be fine unless it covers the whole term. I still can't spell all the elements right and I'm sure I forgot some of the numbes for conversions I had to memorize. History will be alright. I have a B in the class so I guess I just keep doing what I do. Amazing, I go to History and laugh my head off at my prof who runs around ranting and swearing, but I come out knowing a lot more than when I went it. Biology had shifted to the big one. That D is a blemish that I need to make up. I need to do well on the exam and pratical.
Other news, I got "ill" so I bought a 2.5 lbs bag of Jelly Bellys (mostly tutti fruitti and pear) and a 1 gal. jug of lemon iced tea. 3/4 done on both and now I really feel sick. Ah, to be a girl, haha. My mother is thinking I might have PCOS. She finds that sad. I say, she has two other kids. Let them have her grandkids. I have things to do, like big things.
This is very long now. It is my last post for...well, who can really say? After finals I need to prepare for Baltimore. Hopefully I can go north from there, if not, then I come back and probably get a job. Then hopefully after that I can get to NY, but if not then I just work more and then to OZ! If they let us in, stupid swine flu.
Uh...random fact! I was a model when out in California. Striaght females are a minority in film school so I was in demand. Nothing stranger than pretending you are deeply in love with a gay guy. XD
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