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I'm in band, jazz band, choir, show choir, all state speech, and I like to write.(music and books)
Anime Fan Since
May 2003 (yea, I know, I'm lame)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Beebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Ruroni Kenshin, Ghost in the Shell, Yu Yu Hakashu, and yea...whatever I can see! *Newbies from adult swim* Samurai Champloo & S-Cry-Ed
At the moment? Graduate from high school and get the hell outta Iowa. After that, I'll improvise.
Music: playing, writing, and listening to it.
Music and yea, that's all.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Yea for 24 hours of Foo
My vacation to Florida was great. To summerize it, my dad tried to convince people he was British, my mom wore a retarded yellow poncho (it rained all week), My sister pretended to be a mute, and I pretended that I didn't know all three of them and walked ten feet ahead of them at all times. Just kidding! (I only walked five feet in front of them) ;)
Matt didn't come b/c he couldn't pay for it. I mean, he's 20, and he still lives at home with no job. I think mom and dad pay enough stuff for him. Why should he go with us on vacation when every day is vacation to him anyway!
Ok, no one wants to hear me rant about my brother and all the stuff he did while we were gone, so lets talk about happy things...Like my new obsession with Foo Fighters! (yeah!) MTV2 let the Foo Fighters take over programming for 24 hours. It was sweet! well, except for the fact that I had to sit through Viva la Bam reruns, along with Wild Boys, Wondershowzen, and Jackass. But other than that it was hilarious. I'm seriously counting down the time till In Your Honor comes out (at the moment it's 1 day, 8 hours, 25 minutes and 8 seconds, give or take) The album is half acoustic, half rock. David Grohl is so cool-he can play drums, guitar, and sing! he could be a one-man band, if he had enough arms...
I wrote a song. It kinda sucks, but hey, its mine. I don't mean one of those, oh, hey, I was banging on my piano in an angry rage and came up with a cool sounding chord thing, but an actual song. Crappy lyrics included! Sad to admit, but this is the first time I've ever actually seen a song idea through to the end. Usually I have lyrics with no music, or music with no lyrics, and so I give up (or push it all together and make and idiot out of myself at Swing Show) but yea...
I'd never be able to write music as a career-deadlines would kill me. Seriously, If I try to write music, nothing comes out. I don't mean it sounds bad, its just nothing. I sit and stare at the keyboard and it stares back at me. I had that problem with Music Theory I. I was the last one to finish my hymn, and my leit motif, and my jazz chart fell apart. I'm kinda worried about next year, with my idependant study, what I'm gonna do. Mr. T didn't seem to excited for my class either, with all the Nikki crap going on, I take less priority. Oh well, that's a whole summer away.
Jeez, no matter how many times I try, this stupid post always ends up depressing. Fine, stupid post, you win. Life sucks. Are you happy! Good.
(I'm not really that depressed, I just sound that way)
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