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myOtaku.com: The Ghost

Monday, April 12, 2004

Sunday school blues.
My Sunday School is hell. Literally. I am shunned within my own church. AND I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING WRONG! Except for, I don't know, have an opinion? with the will and desire to express said opinion? GRRRR!

Ok, this is how it started. We have, on one corner, the 5 jock/preps. Cool. Self-righteous. And they never participate (It's, like, so below them.) In the other, we have the 3 music freaks: Myself, Amber, and Cortney. We are loud. Confident. And love a good discussion. Throw in two or three in-betweens (not cool enough for group A, but not willing to lower themselves to Group B.)Recipe for disaster? You bet.

It started when group B went on an equal-rights music kick. The teachers would always use sports metaphors to get the point across (Which makes no sense, because the jocks aren't even listening)We then would make up music metaphors for the same situation. Group A decided that we were getting too big for our extremely un-cool britches. So they start to make fun of us. And even if it was about the lesson, our opinions and such I could handle it. But they'd diss on us personally (our clothes, music, style, ect). That pissed me off in a great hurry. Soon Sunday School was a battlefield, and all our teachers could do was watch.

Of course, the jocks got the teachers approval. At least on Wednesday nights. Sunday's were a little more even, but our teacher was young and dumb. I mean, I could prove him wrong half the time!

Anyway, Eventually it got so bad that some of the jocks left. They claimed they weren't learning anything because we (group B) talk too much. *rolls eyes* Anyway, it got a little better. Still, the preacher’s son was giving me the worst trouble. I finally blew up when a girl in group A (who actually isn't too bad...she participates, but she still hates us) read a whole bunch of scripture about being friends with our fellow Christians. I could handle that, but everyone glared at me. ME. I then said that I would try to hold my tongue if they would do the same. They laugh. *rolls eyes*

Then...a miracle. Actually, two. First, Wednesday night church is done. Ron, my teacher, hated me. Mostly because I spoke my mind and often would try to get in-depth discussions by asking questions. How Dare I?

Anyway, My mom was going to have surgery the next week (wait, that's not the good news...) She taught 3-4 year olds, and she couldn't find anyone to replace her while she was recuperating. Enter group B. We got to get out of that war zone to help teach. YEA! It hasn't been easy, but it's better than class. I probably learned more with 3-4 year olds anyway! ;)

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