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I'm in band, jazz band, choir, show choir, all state speech, and I like to write.(music and books)
Anime Fan Since
May 2003 (yea, I know, I'm lame)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Beebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Ruroni Kenshin, Ghost in the Shell, Yu Yu Hakashu, and yea...whatever I can see! *Newbies from adult swim* Samurai Champloo & S-Cry-Ed
At the moment? Graduate from high school and get the hell outta Iowa. After that, I'll improvise.
Music: playing, writing, and listening to it.
Music and yea, that's all.
Monday, April 19, 2004
Life in General
So much little stuff going on...figured I'd just write something!
First, we had solo contest on Saturday. Bad news first: The judges were royal @$$es. No kidding. The Center 1 judge gave the worst ratings ever. A lot of my friends, and some of the best singers in our choir, got II's or III's. It was a bloody massacre. I was so pissed (and also scared for myself.) I happened to be lucky-I was in Center 3 (although they were just as tough-most of my friends there got II's) I got a I in vocal and a I in Sax. There. I said it. I hate to tell people my ratings, because their eyes turn green, and I'm afraid they're going to kill me and steal my identity. I almost feel like I can't be proud of myself for fear of sounding even the least bit braggy. Oh well.
Anyway, one other good thing about contest: Amber and my archrival was there: Jessica Shoemaker! GRR! She went to music camp with us, and as far as the professors were concerned, she walked on water. She was the best piano player and vocalist they've ever had. Not to mention she's really stuck up.
So, when Amber found out she beat Jessica at state piano contest, we both went nuts. Call us petty, but we loved it. Then, icing on the cake...Jessica got a II on her vocal solo! AHHH! I BEAT HER! Ok, moment of petty happiness over.
Lastly, on the Sunday school issue-PRAISE THE LORD! All the jocks left. Yup. I came back this week to find that the same week we left, they left. They went to the freshman class (showing they're true maturity level). How ironic. They claimed "they can't stand the fighting." That's fine with me. It's much better now that they left. We actually had an interesting discussion on hypnotism and the paranormal dealing with the church. (I don't quite know how we got there, considering the lesson was on one of the 50 reasons Christ died for us.) Hm. Oh well.
I stand corrected. The scripture quoting girl stayed. I don't know why, and I'm not going to ask. She seemed kind of bucky to almost every opinion I had, but heck, that gives me opportunity to learn how to defend myself better, so I don't care. The in-betweens also stayed. They actually helped in the discussion a little (usually they take a cue from the jocks and don't talk.)
On the whole, the class seemed a lot better. Although the class the jocks fleed to is run by the pastor, so he probably hears them complain and hates us losers. But heck, the whole church is made of sinners, losers, and fools, whether the self-rightous will admit it or not! AH HA! Sorry. Going a little crazy...must sleep!
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