AIM thegreatspid7 E-mail Click Here Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger great_spid
Birthday 1985-06-27 Gender
Female Location IL Member Since 2005-01-02 Occupation Working my butt off on Real Name I know something you dont know!
Achievements I've won a few art awards for Realism pictures... Just the basic fruit bowls Anime Fan Since 2000... I think Favorite Anime Fushigi Yuugi!!! Goals To be the best that I can beeee! Hobbies Well... I do like to draw Talents Spending all my time working on my Site ^_^' The Great Spid
Thursday, September 21, 2006
So its Thursday ...
Alright gang, its Thursday, and well, with my month long absents, there hasnt been a reason to celebrate this awkard day of the week. So in the awake of my return, I bring you a different kind of Music Video. Instead of the usual Fushigi Yuugi, and Ayashi No Ceres, I bring you The Little Mermaid (say wha?) Yes! The Little Mermiad! (thats what I said) I've always been a fan of TLM, since I was a Wee one (acutally its the first disney film that I remember as a child) And its coming out Oct.3 on DVD! Not just any ol' DVD mind you, a 2 Disc-er! (yeah so what?) Well you see, the 2 Disc-er always has a crap load of extra content, like inspiration and stuff the staff went through while in production (yeah but isnt that stuff kind of boring? ... er.. no?) SO enjoy Under the sea! Sung by the Crab!