The evening report.. Oh God I'm becoming a news caster wtf am I thinking saying that oh well no harm done i suppose... 

frist off I should report that I got a letter from Aimee yesturday.. D= I kinda forgot to mention it... heheh *rubs back of head* I'm sorry... =o no killing me for forgetting

Tis aimee picture explaining time... meaning what she told me how she is yada yada yada.
she is going to school and doing her work and she is finishing it apparently. She is doing very well apparently and is really happy to be able to catch up in school.
Mon-Thrus 4p.m.-8p.m.
Fri 8a.m.-noon
this is her normal schedual down in alabama she is doing well in something called the Resque program it is as I said going to help her catch up to junior year by christmas if she continues to do well! She also doesn't have homework all of it gets done in class.Besides she is getting her license soon and that her and her father are looking at cars thats basically all she wrote mainly asking how I was doing..O_O I will let you know about the next letter when it comes.. hopefully I wont forget
next subject shall we!
Today i had more waffles!
then after that i had to house sit..
but i wasn't really house sitting it was more waitting in my neighbors house so I could help them finally recieve their package that the Fedex guys had been trying to deliver for a while but no one was ever home when they tried to deliever it. O_O and it didn't even come when I was over there it came when they sent me home to rest for 20 minutes I was like wtf.
then I made an appointment with the hair dresser and blah blah blah.
then I read harry potter and I found out where I got the word Sniggering O_O I read the bloody word in Harry potter O_O who knew..
after I came home.. I cleaned like a mad woman because I was just that bored 
then I did laundry.. Man I was my parents bitch O_O
after me and my mom ended up in the car and I was sitting there listening to her rattle of a list of things she wanted me to do and when I said I did all that and more I paused and when I should have felt good I donno I just felt like it need to be done and its done so whatever.. then this was what my mom says next

Your going to make a great mother someday

it made me glow hehe I was floating on clouds to know I'd make a good mommy.
then what else.. Mike came over and yada yada yada help dana walk her dog.. and now here I sit Bored again
sadly I haven't been inspired to write or draw anything lately I wish I had been I have to make things for people but I can't nothing inspires me anymore no one has been fueling my artistic all.. sure my thoughts help but then they solve things and screw everything up.

*great big sigh* I have to get off the soda kick. I don wanna though ><

seventh book is great you should read it! next I read Twilight and New Moon
Next topic oh yeah I declar now "I HATE BRACES...AND RUBBER BANDS!!"
moving on!
I need vampire names for my stories send some if you know any please thank you.
Anime time ^_^ plus random pics..

Its apanda!!!!

what shows this from looks good O_O

hey this is from the show Air TV O_O

EEK so adorable

thats for my friends :D

Time for me to say good night all
bye bye
Hidding in a strange place I can't belive I'm lost damn it..!