the king boo
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Friday, February 4, 2005
king boo:HA HA!ive captured the real inuyasha and kagome!
inuyasha:im still getting 20 bucks for dressing like this right?
KB:shut up you!
Inu:dont get all pissy about it.damn this white wig is itchy.
KB:eat your to-fu!
inu:and why the hell would you cut out a cupbord and dress it all up like a girl? this supposed to be kagome?
KB:shut up gorge!...i mean inuyasha!
KB:as you can see ive maneged to capture this rare couple thought to be only existent in anime!
inu:get me out of this cage.i have a feeling i aint getting money for this.
KB:SHUT UP!DAMN YOU TALK SO FREAKING MUCH!why cant you be more like kagome??
inu:im not made out of cupbord.
KB:shut up and let me talk already!your messing up my post!
Kagome:just let him talk.
inu: 0.o;;
KB: 0.o;;
KB:did you just talk?
Kagome:like duh!
KB:*runs in horror* HOOLLLYY SHHI..
inu:hey dont leave me here!im scared!
kagome:im just cupbord
kagome:what a bunch of wussies.afraid of a girl...a talking cupbord girl.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Another deep thought from king boo
ever wonderd were do we go after death?do we go to heaven or hell?Or maby a place were we live in the after life that is normal as this world we live in.what if oblivion(a endless pit whith no light and you fall for eternety)is what our after life will be like?is their really such thing as ghosts?we wont be able to know till we die and rott in our horrible coffins.death awaits every one.we cannot escape him.we work so hard to make a better feuter for our selfs just to get our grand this really the reward we get?or is their somthing better at the other side of death?
just another deep thought from your freind king boo.
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Stupid people
Alas i have returend!but sadly im still looking for my note book.i had my anime act1 in i have to look all over the damn house again.but before i tell you my storie look at his 80's game!its called "Inuyasha:the last half demon" take a look:

ok back to the storie.i was reading battel vixens and all of a sudden some kid snatched the book out of my hands.he examend the manga and found a page were hokafu was taking a bath.the kid was looked amazed at the picture.he told everyone and i was so frekin pissed off.that dumass thought i was reading some kind of hentai or somthing.but it wasent!then he told me "your perverted".i flicked him off and i told him that sceen was part of the storie.he said "sure......".then the passing period rang.the kid that snatched the manga out of my hand told me "hey can i borrow your manga?"i looked at him and pushed him.he then pushed back and then a glorious one one won but i got him good.oh and yea the picture above is fake.i made belived it right?yes you did!well if you wanto see a anime character in a 80's game pm or add a comment,or try to tell me in any way.well till next time...
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Toads and toad dont mix
Damn i lost my notebook.I forgot what was i going to write about today.maby some song lyrics.or maby it was a story about some dream i had.well i dunno.oh oh! anser my riddle!:
One day a scientist woke up in the middle of the jungel to his surprise he felt somthing strange in his had a head and a tail.the scientist then went about his day whith out taking the thing out.why was the scientist not starteld by the thing he had in his pocket?
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
well i was only for like 7 minuets though.i was correcting my teacher on every problom he was doing.when he got to #7 he said "why dont you come over here and teach the class!",he wanted me to say "no" but i returned the favor.I said "ok" i went in front of the class and starded teaching.after like 5min later my teacher said "how dose it feel to be a teacher?" i said "hey! no talking while the teachers talking!"every one in class went "OOOOOOOOoooooOO!" my teacher called my parents and i got in trouble.but hay he asked me to teach like a teacher would.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
At long last!
today i got my manga from my freind!i let him borrow it scince like last october.and at long last it's in my hands!but i have so many worries.i cant concentrate on my reading.Man im always thinking negative.The only time im happy is when i talk to my love.i gotta stop making comments on each post about her.then,she might think im a freak or somthing.CRAP! im thinking negative again!damn i guess this the way it's supposed to be...-_-;;;
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
yes!i just got my 300th visit!comon lets celabrate!drinks on the house!bring the sake out!turn that music up!comon it's time to raise hell!every the king boo mobile!!!
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more things you knew about japan
here are even more stuff you already knew about japan:
1.japan has the only 1 bathroom toilet in the world made out of solid gold.
2.the japanies already created a holagram tv.this means if you wanto see the back of someones head you simply walk to the back of the holagram.but it takes up too much energy for home use.
3.they have also created mechs.well not exactly mechs.but they are used only for enter at the center of the mech.dont get too exided though.they really have no purpose for war..nore to be sold to the public!.but who knows they look perty kick ass... japan their is a street that is tottaly devoted to "detective connan".the creator of the anime used to live their and now its a shrine for his will see connan the detective in the strangest places like the bathroom,restorants,and even the street is named after the creator of the anime!
im shure you knew all this stuff.well till next time.later!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
A close shave
Right now my internet was about to be cut!fortunaly corrected the problome in time and my internet was saved.then i thought how would i go on in my life whith out it even possible to live whith out a computer?the days of when i didnt have a computer are blury and grainy.i just cant remember much.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
once again i have nothing to write about
i dont really have nothing yo write about today.well exept that my parents think im shy.why the hell do they think that?so because im "shy" as they say im only going to be able to use the comp only on odd days.what is that going to frickin fix?thats just going to worsen their problem whith not even shy.i would throw a bick on a window and say out loud "hey it was me!"thats how shy i am.well my life sux....well not all of it their's one person in my life that makes my life better for me..^_^
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