the king boo
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
i have so many things on my mind ...
as the thingy says i got a lot fo things on my i will cram it into one post:
poem to the one i love:
i fear the day she tells me she dosent love me anymore,i fear the day she kills my insides forevermore,i fear many things but this one i fear most of all,if she tells me she dosent love me anymore i will lay their on the floor thinking what did i do to deserve this punishment so cruel and cold,then i will just lay their till death comes knocking at my door,i will open the door and let him take my lonly soul.
-The king boo
about the "fake anime":
every body thanks abundle for supporting my ideas.i got some Hate pm's but you know im just telling it how it is thru a otaku's eye's thats right now im working on "Act1:anime crusaders" wich is very interesting.well it will be done in maby hmm...4 days i think.
pic of the day:
look she can sing!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
proluge: Rise of the anime kids
I have seen the anime community increase rapidly.Many people are starting to join this culture whith has been growing so fast that even the tv networks have notice this.the disney channel are starting their "fake anime" series called "american dragon".so is nickolodion whith yet another "fake anime".i think its called wind worriors or somthing.the WB also has that stupid chowlang showdown.what im trying to say is that these networks are pointed at a younger audience.wich means these kids want anime and they want it NOW.well its a good thing this is happening.But the bad thing is that their showing the kids some bad anime.anime i call "fake anime" like for example teen titens,chowling showdown,and such.why is it bad?because thay will get used to the art style of the fake anime and may dislike the true Japanies Anime.well some true anime is doing good here for the youth,such as Yu Yu hakusho,Zoids,Yu-gi-oh,and Ravemaster.hopefully the kids will only catch on the real anime.but this is barely the proluge!Their is far more to see from this play,far more.......
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Damn today sucked
today i had the worst day of my week.i had to dance in a play.i was so nervous i could see my freinds pointing and laghing.the damn bright lights in my face made it even harder to concentrate.and then i for got one line and every one was laughing at many people were their?only about 4,000 people.then i went to the libery to buy naruto#4 and they were sold out.all the manga i liked were sold out.then when i got home i had to write my 5 page essay.WTF??! this day sucked ass.hopefully i wont have another day like this.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
my old freinds.....gone.....
Today i decided i would see my old king boo site.i visited all my old freinds.witch i found to my surprise they were gone.all of them.well exept Panda,and pinsandneedles.but my bestest of best freinds that i used to have was gone.she wrote somthing about going away.her sad post made me feel as she was talking about death.Sakuratachan,furu chan,all of them gone.well as i drift to the sad reality we live in.well see you soon.-_-;
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
more questions to bore you
1.are you ready?
2.Dark powers?or light powers? you got a question for me? you own golden sun? i getting annoying now?
6.what about now?
7.or what about now?
8.if you had only one wish what would it be?
9.(say somthing here)
10.whats your favorite weapon?
11.phsst what a loser weapon.
12.what? you wanna fight me again?
13.never mind then i will hurt you
14.whats your deepest secret?
15.oh...well look at the top left you see a X inside a box? press on it.
18.comon dont be shy.
19.hello?are you still their?
20. .......?
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Its stuck in my head
Damn it!the main theme of yu yu hakusho is stuck in my head.after all these years i heard that song, today is the day it decided to stay in my as im writting this post i am humming the song."in a faceless crowd were" DAMN IT! know im singing it!crap well i have a picture of botan that was very hard for me to find.well enjoy this pic...or not.

i know its so cool. ^.^;
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
yesterday i saw the commercial white noise.i was like thats retardness said to me "hey why dont you try that?" and i said i set up my dusty casset player and changed it to a white sound signal.then i said in a calm voice is some body their?"Bshzzzk" is all i could here.after trying about 10min i said is some one home?and i heard i think it was a voice i think it said somthing like "im here".then i was like holy crap!i turned it off and ran to the computer and serched and found this site copy and paste this for some scary voices.well hopefully you wont try this at can really scar you for life.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
post/73/instert reality
what if the internet is just a empty cyber space.what if when you think you are chating whith some one over the internet is just a A.i(artificial intelegence) inside your computer?what if your the only existing human on earth and every one eles is programed to act as if they were human?what if what i am writting right now is a just a post written by your own computer?what if your life is just a dream and when you wake up you will find yourself some were you never wanted to be?what if your just a program designed to live like a human?
This is just a deep thought from your freind,The king boo.
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Monday, January 3, 2005
well happy do da day
i have absolutely no ideas for this post...well i made a spit wad out of tin foil paper.i have captured botan and made her dress on a suit that fits her.then i made this laboratory called Bazerk inc. make a web site about my complex brain.they found some stuff they shouldent be found.also i am silently waiting for foxx to come on.i also made 4 cups of ramen and mixed them together.what eles...oh and i made a ant mate whith a termite.and i think thats it.
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
here is a poem that im writing cuz im so frikin pissed of...
i am the one you humans call evil
i am the thing that murderers think befor they kill
,i am the one responsible for chaos and destruction
i have no sorrow or pity
i am the colour black
i am evil encarnated.
oh wait im not pissed anymore..well im goin to visit your sites now.later!
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