Day: 1
Insanity level: 5
Mood: Bored
lol three visits from 1000 so thank you for all that bother to visit, sorry i havent been able to commen these past days...
heh i got my ipod yesterday! but itunes was being cruel to me and took me like 4 hours to download... but i guess it was worth it
haha today i got my picture tooken and its gonna be in the newspaper, and the one day i didnt bother to brush my hair much, well i guess thats all i got for that
THANKSGIVING, staying home and where cooking a turkey XD i never did get to try tofurkey..
1. what are you thankfull for?
2. turkey or tofurkey?
4. celebrating at home or away?
(three was mean to me so i skipped it)