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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

   Well, no visitors means COMPLETE FREEDOM!
I can type what I want, and do what I want, because no one visits my site! Ha-HA! Now THAT'S freedom.


*sigh* I'm so alone. :(

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

   I'm a Dweeb!
Now who can admit that and still have an ego as ridiculous as mine?

I have come to the conclusion that! I will probably not revisit this site for the next seven or so months, purely because- woe is me- I've lost some if not most of my interest in this site, among many many others... *sobsob* Too bad for moi, eh? Well, I shall finish complaining to you, whoever you are.


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Sunday, September 5, 2004

   I have returned! ^^ Glee.
Hello there, everyone who is cool enough to visit my page here. What's up? Me happy: I'm going to England next summer! Although I do have to raise mucho dinero via car washes and such, I'm still happy.
Hey, has anyone ever seen an Anime called "Green Green?" I've heard of it, but... that's all. I'm curious. What is it?

Quiz result!

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by orangeday.net

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Friday, April 9, 2004

Yahooo! Finally, a break from the grueling rat race (har har, ain't I a hoot). Anyways, it's the time of freedom again, the time when I can stay up late enough to watch Anime (Adult Swim is my only source of Japanimese cartooning... and my friends, when they lend me stuff. I'm sure you can relate, ne?).

Quiz result! Ever seen a Quizilla?

Strange and secretive, alluring and powerful: Ghost in the Shell's
Strange and secretive, but alluring and powerful
too, the music in the background when you show
up is Ghost in the Shell's "Making of A
Cyborg." Soaring, hypnotic vocals and
mysterious chimes abound in this piece, and
maybe you've got hidden secrets too that others
had best be wary of...

What's Your Anime Theme Song?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Saturday, April 3, 2004

   I live!
Well, after a very long absence from the internet (my computer had issues. The hard drive had to be "refreshed"), I have finally returned to theOtaku.com, and I am a happy duck. ^^

Looky, something everybody loves: Bishounen! An idealist, how true...


Find out what bishonen you are.

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Monday, February 16, 2004

For quite an eternity thusfar, I have been considering The creation of a webpage. Not about me, because that's what this page is for. Not about my love and fan-worship of particular things, because those get annoying after awhile. No, this shall be some sort of graphically awesome, factually acurate, humourly quaint page devoted to one aspect of one thing. But what? I have three ideas I think are cool, yet I'm contemplating how and when I shall create them... Ah well, is not currently a major issue. Quiz result! I love .hack...

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

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Saturday, February 7, 2004

   Ya-HOOOOO!!! ^^
Finally! My banisment from Computerdom has been lifted! I'm free to roam the Internet again! Yipeeeee!!!! ^______^

Ah, I can't even remember why I was banned. Oh well. So, how are you, my fellow Otakus? Super-deform much? Here's a quiz result, to keep you occupied:

What Anime Vampire Are You?

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Sunday, January 25, 2004

   Today's a pleasant day...
Well, today I did nothing. At it was good. I had no homework. Also good. I spent all afternoon re-affirming my goal to invent a religion devoted to the worship of TV. That- wasn't as good. But, online quizzes always are!

Quiz Result of the Day:

What's Your Anime Weapon?

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Thursday, January 22, 2004

   Neeeeed... sleeeeep...
I am tired beyond all belief. So what do I decide to do? Post, of course! Besides the fact that I have eleventy-billion projects due within the next week, I'm in a happy-happy mood. Now, bed time...

Here's the Quiz result of the day (I now have to add this to the list of Animes I need to watch- or read; mangas are wonderful things. ^-^). That Boogiepop knows how to dress. Oh yeah:

I've come to take you.
What character from a creepy anime are you?

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

   AAAAAAA!!!!!!! I am overwhelmed with work. Oi. So much to do, so little time to do it in. Oh well. Looky! I'm Vash! ^-^ Wheeee!!!

Total slaughter...total slaughter...

Find out what anime bad boy you are.

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