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Monday, June 21, 2004

I'm goin 2 camp 2day! ^_^ a whole 4 days just hangin with my friends and other ppl i don't know. i wonder what we're gonna do there but i do know human checkers r gonna be something new and we're gonna play football alot ^_^ well, i'm gonna go get ready... sorta it's more like watchin tv and eatin till my friend picks me up. so i'll see ya soon! L8r!

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Friday, June 18, 2004

I went somewhere on my birthday ^_^

ok, i know it's like a week passed my birthday but i didn't really feel up 2 postin n-e-thing so sorry it took so long ^_^" well, instead of goin 2 my friend's house i went 2 my other friend's house and we spent the nite in her trailor ^_^ it scary and yet also fun! let's see if i can remember the details, we started off goin 2 go eat somewhere and well, that was fun then we spent most of the day on the computer and playin video games ^_^ and 4 the cake it was pretty much chocolate (my favorite <3) well, after that we went in2 the trailor and played some cards and connect 4 ^_^ i lost alot of times tho -_- well, when we finally went 2 sleep i picked the bed that was pretty much in the shadows ^_^ i don't really like daylight i'm more of a nite person i mean in my room i sleep in a corner in the shadow while the sun's risin ^_^ well, durin the nite i felt like something starin at us thru the window so i peeked thro and saw nothing (i was actually expectin something -_-) then my friend said that i shouldn't do that cuz some1 might pop out and brake the window with his knife and try 2 kill us and being the 1 closest 2 the window i moved over 2 my friend's side of the bed (my friend's a girl and she's my friend nothing more besides i don't swing that way) but then my pillow lifted up the curtain alittle and made us even more scared. my other friend said she started seein things in the shadows which scared me even more. but when she said she say egyptian bakura me and my friend got up from our bed -_- (i have a thing 4 him, ok? i mean he's so hot <3) well, we woke up and all went home but l8r on came 2 church 4 movie nite and we had fun there. i would tell u more but i can see this is gettin long ^_^" L8r!

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Friday, June 11, 2004

13 at last! XD

2morrow i'll finally be 13! but i'm not doing n-e-thing 2morrow except finish up my finals -_- my friends did have something planned but my mom doesn't want me 2 go and my friends were gonna buy me new manga books but i don't think i want them right now since i got in trouble 4 readin 1 of my books in history. and now my mom has 2 go pick up my book from the office and i hafta get lectured by my teacher. plus i go 2 a private school so i'm gonna get lectured on how it's evil and such but i don't really pay attention 2 those kinds of things i just think story is cool and interestin. o well, i'm gonna try 2 have a good day 2morrow and let nothing bring me down cuz it's my birthday! ^_^

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Saturday, May 29, 2004

a day like none other

ok, friday started out not too good. 1st, i didn't hear my alarm go off so i was late 4 school; 2nd, while i was runnin around the gym 4 P.E. i tripped over a guy's foot and now i got a huge bruise. 3rd, the same guy ran in2 my thigh and that hurt then i hit my leg against a metal chair and i ran in2 a guy and that hurt ALOT! after P.E. i hit my knee against my locker and i wasn't feelin so good after runnin in2 that guy. after school i was gonna go 2 the movies with my friends but my 1 friend's mom was busy so we might go next friday and since i had another friend who wanted 2 take me 2 the movies i went with her but they didn't sell n-e-more tickets 4 the movie -_- so i went home, got hurt 2 more times, and went 2 sleep. and plus my msn messenger isn't workin so i can't talk 2 my friends like i usually do. friday wasn't a good day 4 me at all.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004


2day was a sucky day, my so called "friends" didn't tell me they were all goin 2 the movies and when i say all i mean ALL of my class. when i tried 2 call my mom so i could ask her if i could go she took the phone off the hook! i spent like an hour worth tryin 2 call her. in the end i missed the movie and i cried my eyes out in the car. the reason y i wanted 2 go so badly was cuz i haven't been outta the house 4 a LONG time, i haven't gone 2 the movies 4 like a year now, and plus i wanted 2 hang out with my friends but i guess that didn't happen. once again, i was stuck home while every1 was out havin fun

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Monday, May 17, 2004

I dunno

ok, so i finally finished my science project and turned it in ON TIME!XD but now i gotta catch up on all the work i missed b4 progress reports r due which is this wednesday and now i got an english reports due wednesday as well >_< seems i can't get a moments peace n-e-more, it's so unfair! o well, no sense in whinnin about it might as well get it over with. but movin on, ^_^ i found out i have a new fear... guys. when i got on the bus last thursday i just had 2 sit in the back with all those guys O_O it's not like they did n-e-thing but i was still scared. the next day i bite m y lip so hard that my lip started bleedin a little and only 1 guy was around me. i dunno y i'm actin like this but i am, and o, 2day i almost got run over by a car tryin 2 catch the bus b4 it left and cuz of that i found a girl who loves anime just like i do maybe even more maybe it was worth it 2 almost get run over ^_^

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Monday, May 10, 2004

I finished my report XD

i finally finished my report! at long last, i'd apply myself and finished my report! all i got left is the log book and the board and i only have 2 dayz left -_- but with my friends' motivation and my hope i know 4 sure i'll finish this thing on time! hope u all will back me up i'd really appreciate it at this time, thanx in advance ^_^

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Saturday, May 8, 2004

A week after work

well, it's been a week since i told u bout my report and well, i only got 2 1/4 pages ^_^" heh heh, i'm done 4 -_- but i'm not really worried cuz i've change from being a straight A student 2 a just a girl who doesn't care n-e-more and plus i'm REALLY lazy so this is sorta good and sorta bad. i also got an experiment 2 do so i gotta start on that as well and a display board 2 do and i gotta finish up on my report which has 2 be 5 pages long so i'm half way there. i just hope i can finish in time -_-

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Monday, May 3, 2004

My project

i got a science project due next week! i am totally gonna fail if i don't get this done; i know i procrastinate but i didn't know i would be THIS lazy. i got 8 days 2 start and finish this thing, but the thing is i'm lazy -_- i don't know how much this counts 4 my grades but i do know it's big O_O wish me luck cuz i'm gonna need a whole lot of it

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Sunday, May 2, 2004

My day

ok,the gauze and junk like that is off my finger, but i still got bandages on so i'm tryin 2 type and do stuff i usually do. problem is - my finger's alittle bit swollen and i don't have ice 2 put on it -_- i'm actually tryin 2 type with my right hand now, but i'm worried bout writin 4 class monday. well, i'll try my best 2 do my normal stuff so wish me luck.

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