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myOtaku.com: The Shadow

Friday, June 18, 2004

I went somewhere on my birthday ^_^
ok, i know it's like a week passed my birthday but i didn't really feel up 2 postin n-e-thing so sorry it took so long ^_^" well, instead of goin 2 my friend's house i went 2 my other friend's house and we spent the nite in her trailor ^_^ it scary and yet also fun! let's see if i can remember the details, we started off goin 2 go eat somewhere and well, that was fun then we spent most of the day on the computer and playin video games ^_^ and 4 the cake it was pretty much chocolate (my favorite <3) well, after that we went in2 the trailor and played some cards and connect 4 ^_^ i lost alot of times tho -_- well, when we finally went 2 sleep i picked the bed that was pretty much in the shadows ^_^ i don't really like daylight i'm more of a nite person i mean in my room i sleep in a corner in the shadow while the sun's risin ^_^ well, durin the nite i felt like something starin at us thru the window so i peeked thro and saw nothing (i was actually expectin something -_-) then my friend said that i shouldn't do that cuz some1 might pop out and brake the window with his knife and try 2 kill us and being the 1 closest 2 the window i moved over 2 my friend's side of the bed (my friend's a girl and she's my friend nothing more besides i don't swing that way) but then my pillow lifted up the curtain alittle and made us even more scared. my other friend said she started seein things in the shadows which scared me even more. but when she said she say egyptian bakura me and my friend got up from our bed -_- (i have a thing 4 him, ok? i mean he's so hot <3) well, we woke up and all went home but l8r on came 2 church 4 movie nite and we had fun there. i would tell u more but i can see this is gettin long ^_^" L8r!

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