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the depths of my sorrow
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just a wondering shadow who's bound to this world
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it depends on who's asking...
i finally went to an anime convention and cosplayed!
Anime Fan Since
a very long time
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, FullMetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, and many others which i've forgotten at the moment ^_^"
to actually be happy on my own accord
drawing and singing when nobody's around (i'm kinda too shy 2 sing in public ^_^")
drawing and writing
Monday, July 26, 2004
well, it's 10 minutes till 7 a.m. (i woke up at 5 p.m. yesterday and i've stayed up this long ^_^) and my computer's faster all of a sudden so i took the this chance so i can come here ^_^ i'm not sure if once i turned off my computer that'll it stay fast so i might not be back for another while -_-
but let's see if i can think of n-e-thing good that happened yesterday... well, JJ called today right after i woke up (i would say me wakin up before she called is good timin ^_^) we talked for a bit, but we didn't act stupid like the last time. then my friend Kassey called and said she's finally back home from her trip ^-^ which means i get to go see her this wednesday when we go to church! the thing i remember the most about our conversation was when she started laughin then i laughed then she laughed again then i laughed and fell on the floor -_- then she laughed hysterically and said that was 'good timin'. well, it might have been but that fall hurt alittle ^_^" afterwords, i did my usual things (tryin 2 get my computer to move faster)
well, i finally got my MSN messenger to work so i talked to my friend who knew alot about computers and asked him y my computer is still slow. well, i downloaded this program so i can scan my programs to see if i have things to fix (and i did. 125 of them -_-) after a while of talkin to him he said he was gonna watch Samurai X >_< and after i saw the dvd box set at Walmart -_- well, in the end i had to download this program called burst so i can download torrents and now i'm still waitin for it to finish up -_- then he started tellin me to download Spirited Away and i said i didn't want to, but he made me n-e-wayz -_- and i'm still waitin for those 2 things to finish up (i know i can just leave it on and go to sleep, but i'm just not tired ^_^)
well, i just went outside for a bit and it still smelled moist and that the best scent i love when it comes to smellin outside scents ^_^ (my visions not that good so i think my hearin and my sense of smell is better and i just love to use them. once i heard a lawn mower outside like 3 houses away from my room, i was pretty surprised at how well i could hear ^_^) well, i just got a burst of energy at that moment so i took 1 of my neighbor's ball and started playin with it (i didn't steal it from their yard if that's what u're thinkin ^_^" they just threw it over the fence and now i have a little collection of balls now ^_^) well, that didn't satisfy me enough so i started runnin in my backyard (it's pretty big and i bet it would be bigger if we got rid of all the junk in it) after that i still had energy and i was pretty happy (usually i'm happy around my friends, but at certain times my borin life doesn't matter to me and i just smile ^_^) so i started singin some songs and singin makes me happy so i was happier and more energetic ^_^ i went into my room and bounced on my bed and now i'm here still happy and energetic ^_^
i think i'll start on settin up my scanner, but i don't want to right now since i'm so happy and i don't wanna ruin that and get frustrated and mad. so i'm just gonna find something to do to burn this energy, but i'd like to keep the happiness i feel right now ^_^ i haven't feel so carefree and happy for a while so i'm gonna enjoy it while i still have it. take care, everybody and have a wonderful day! bye! *hugs every1*
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