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myOtaku.com: The Shadow

Thursday, August 19, 2004

hi every1! ^__^ ok, i'm sorry i didn't visit sites today it's just cuz i had like 5 hours of sleep and i was too tired to do n-e-thing ^_^"

so i woke up real early in the mornin (more like 9 am but that still is early for me) and i got onto myO and just roamed around there for a while. then i went back to sleep for about 5 or a couple more minutes ^_^ after that i got up and rushed to get ready to go to KC's house.

well, when i got there we just got on the computer like we always would ^_^ so JJ came and we got on to myO for a bit and then ate homemade burgers ^0^ so after that we went on the computer for a bit then headed to the church.

so we got to the church and had sorta a little party ^_^ i had alot of candy ^^ well, we went outside and played some football ^^ now i love football but i'm only good at blitzin otherwise i'm useless ^_^ and when i do get a chance to blitz i just stand there wonderin if i should cuz if i do i might get every1 mad at me so i didn't ^_^ so most of the girls gave up and started playin on the playground so i joined them ^^ hehe, i like swingin on swings ^_^ so after that i ate more candy, drank more soda, talked about the lesson of the day, and went home. but on the way home i bugged the crap outta KC's dad ^_^ i pulled his hair and pulled on his seatbeat like heck ^^" hehe, all that candy and soda made me a little evil and annoyin ^_^

ok, so i got home and found my mom usin my computer without my permission and throwin away my things (again without my permission) -__- so, of course, i got very mad and to make myself feel better i went into my room and drew a very pretty pic ^__^

that's pretty much all i got right now so i think i'll go now. once again, i'm sorry that i didn't visit sites but maybe i'll do that today. well, bye bye! *hugs everybody*

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