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the depths of my sorrow
Member Since
just a wondering shadow who's bound to this world
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it depends on who's asking...
i finally went to an anime convention and cosplayed!
Anime Fan Since
a very long time
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, FullMetal Alchemist, Yu Yu Hakusho, and many others which i've forgotten at the moment ^_^"
to actually be happy on my own accord
drawing and singing when nobody's around (i'm kinda too shy 2 sing in public ^_^")
drawing and writing
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Hi! i'm feelin better now! ^_^ still sick, but feelin better ^^
well, since i'm postin i might as well tell u about yesterday. so my mom drags me on her errands -__- and i wasn't feelin so good by then. so i went to my mom's work to get her pay check and that took awhile. then she talked about how ppl there were lookin at me (i was a little disturbed about that =_=) but then she said that they only saw a pic of me when i was like 10 =_= she really needs an updated pic of me so ppl won't be so surprised. so later on, we went to the doctor's (finally!) and it took us a while to get out of the waitin room and by then i turned a little pale (i do this all the time when i'm sick and being over dramatic ^_^"). so i got some pills for my ear aches, sore throats, and runnin nose (might i tell u, there r ALOT of pills o.O) so after goin 2 a food store we went and looked at jewerlery (woot!) well, mainly pearls ^^ (my birth gem too ^^) and my mom kept askin if they were real and i'm guessin guy got a little mad (i would too if some lady asked the same question alot -_-). he made the necklaces right there so that was pretty cool and the fact that the necklaces all fit around my neck ^^ so my mom HAD to get it for me (woot!)! and this one lady kept holdin up pearls (well, how do i explain what they r? well, they have little metallic designs and junk on it and u put it in the middle of the necklace) to my neck to see how they would look. at first i thought she was gonna pick out a pearl for me, but then i realized that there wasn't a mirror around and she wanted to see which pearl would look the best on her by tryin it out on me ^_^" well, i was gettin tired just standin there and being sick and all that didn't help so i just went into the car and took a little nap ^^ after like an hour or so i'm guessin my mom finally came back - -;
so i went home after that and went straight to bed. after awhile i woke up and got something to eat then went back to bed ^_^ after 5 hours i woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so i watched tv for a bit and went back to sleep. after another 5 hours i woke up -_- but this time i just went back to sleep then another 5 hours i woke up and this time for good ^^ i watched tv and went on the computer the whole day. then like an hour ago i watched Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain ^^
well, that's pretty much it so i'm gonna go now ^^ See ya guess soon! *hugs everybody* o and i finally got music for my site ^__^ as u can see, it's Every Heart and i just love that song! there were 2 versions to it, midi and piano (i think midi is like piano but the one i got is more classical than midi), so i picked piano cuz it sounded more classy ^_~ even tho i hate playin the piano (actually i don't hate it, i just hate being forced to play it ^^ i'll play it when i feel like it and be happy but i'll be miserable being forced to play it -_-) i love this piano version of Every Heart ^^ well, i'll be goin now! *hugs everybody again*
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