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myOtaku.com: The Shadow

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

ok, i know it's been a really long time since the last time i've posted something. i just had school to keep me busy ^_^"

well, to sum up my first day of school it was fun! i got to see every1 again and saw my new classmates (all girls =__= not that girls are bad it's just i was hopin there be a cute guy this year). and i got homework from my old math teacher who teaches me science now =_= on the first day of school too! he just skipped the intro and went right into readin the book -___- and for some strange reason i can tell what time it is when i don't even have a watch on me and it's so cool! ^^ maybe it's just i wake up at 7 every mornin, i dunno but it's cool that i can do that ^_^

ok, so school's pretty a normal thing now since i've been goin to it every weekday now so i'm gonna talk about last weekend when i went to KC's house! ^^ so she called me and asked if i wanted to go cuz her dad's friend was there and she thought it was fair for her to have a friend over. so after some time of convincin my mom to let me go i went with them ^_^ we went to the magic shop just cuz we could and me and KC just looked around. then when we were drivin back to her house me and KC just kept on buggin Steve (her dad's friend) and her dad ^_^ then KC accidentally shot my plunger gun at her dad's head and it was so funny! so when we got to her house we did nothing for a bit then i put on her lotion cuz it smelled prettiful ^^ and we played DDR ^__^ i think i've gotten better at it even tho i only played like every chance i get which is like every wednesday and some other times as well. o, and i forgot to tell u about the time we went to go buy dog food and junk ^_^" so when we got there me and KC started lookin at the little kittens! they were all so cute!! but i mainly liked this 1 that was grey and black all over and it was just so adorable! but then this guy came and took the kittens away T_T i hated seein the little kitties go =_= so afterwards we looked at some fish and annoyed some of them cuz we just like to annoy things whenever we can ^_^ and then at the register KC took a dog biscuit and started eatin it >< i tried a little piece of it but it made me gag a little so i spitted it out. i dunno how she can eat that but she's KC so whatever. then we went to the Block (it's like a mall that's outdoors and u can find alot of guys there ^^) and i finally got my coffee that her dad said i could get! ^^ we didn't buy n-e-thing but we did go to an arcade and played alot of games ^__^ i'm really good at games that hasta do with spinnin targets ^^ so we ate dinner and we kept on buggin Steve cuz he's so much fun to bug ^^ and then all of a sudden he started dunkin his straw into his magarita and bouncin on the seat... and then i joined him! ^^ it was strange but fun! so KC started pickin off the salt on her dad's magarita and so did i! after sometime of buggin him bout the magarita he finally let us take a sip and i know that's against the law (so don't tell the cops ^_~) but he was hopin that we didn't like it but we did ^_^ after that we played more games and finally went to get our prizes ^_^ it took us awhile but i got 2 bouncy balls and she got a small squeakin hammer and some other junk i can't remember ^_^" then we went and got candy! ^^V i got so much candy and it's all soooooo good! ^____^ so we went back to her place and watched Inuyasha and afterwards, we got the mattress ready so we can slide down it and get it ready for our sleepover ^_^ but then i saw the most horrible site in the livin room O_o it was Steve with his shirt up!!! >_< i was like gaggin at that. it was so wrong! so me and KC just went back to her room and did who knows what. and when they finally moved outta the livin room me and KC went down the stairs on the mattress and got ready to go to sleep. and in the middle of the night KC starts rollin over onto my bed and petted my hair and said "oo, camel soft" i'm guessin she was dreamin about a zoo - -;; so i just stayed up all mornin cuz she woke me up and then i hear the shower and thought it was her dad, but it was Steve o_o he took a shower in their house i mean can't he just take it at his home or something?? o__o so n-e-wayz we watched Spanish soccer cuz our Spanish teacher said we had to watch tv (cool homework, huh?) and it was so violent! ppl kickin each other and other ppl fallin over another person. and when we finally got to see some1 make a goal the annoucer sounded like an alarm clock -_- ok, so after an hour worth of that we finally went to Arthur's (a breakfast place where old ppl eat at =_=) and ate breakfast. so after i was finish eatin i dropped in a little cream cup into KC's dad's water ^^ he got soo mad! it was so funny! so after that we went to the mall! and i went to go buy some Japanese soda ^__^ it was complicated to open but i got it in the end (and i got soda all over the floor too -_-) but the cool part is it had a marble for a top and once i was sorta finished with it i could see the marble at the top of the bottle ^__^ it was so fun to roll around ^-^ so we didn't get n-e-thing else so we just went back to her place and it was about time for me to go home so i just called my mom and told her i was gonna be late. so i played DDR some more and finally went home - -;;

so that's pretty much up to date. and my friend JJ's birthday is Friday so i'll post soon about that. and i'm sorry i couldn't come around to all the sites ^_^" it's just school that's keepin me so busy -__- well, i'll see what i can do about that so until then bye! *hugs every1*

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