The Silver Flame
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Hi. I'll change my background if I can finish my wallpaper. I've been having some trouble with it. Nothing is happening even though I'm out of school today. Thank You Mr. President. Even though I'm out of school, I still have work to do. :(
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Well I finally got a chat box so make sure to say hi next time you visit. I was sick this mornining but I'm feeling better now. Besides that, nothing has happened yet today.
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
Well not much is happening here. I'm trying to make a wallpaper for the new 4th gen games but I'm having some trouble with the it but I hope to be done soon. See Ya. Bye.
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
Third post today, it's amazing. Well that is because I keep forgeting stuff. Anyways, I've recently been experimenting with spriting as you might have guessed from the trainer card. It's not much but beside the trainer card this is the best thing I've made. I just combined the sprites for the normal and shiny Metagross and made this all silver super shiny Metagross.

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Oh. I forgot to mention in my last post that my dad finally took off the parental controls that were being stupid and stoping me and my sister from visiting some of people's sites has been removed.
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Ok, I haven't updated for a while and I nothing is happening so I will simply give you the US names for some of the new pokemon. Lucario you may know since Lucario is the theme for my site. Lucario is a Steel/Fighting type. Mime Jr. is Mr. Mime's baby and Bonsly is Sudowoodo's baby. And Weavile is the evolved form of Sneasel. Chatott is the new parrot pokemon. Buizel is a new water type sea otter. Mantyke is the baby of Mantine. Electabuzz's evolved form is Electivire. The main legendary for Pearl is Palkia the Space Ruling Pokemon and a Water/Dragon type. The main legendary for Diamond is Dialga the Time Ruling Pokemon and a Steel/Dragon type.
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
I know, I haven't been on in forever. I am however on now. The good news is that I am out of school today. Snow Days can be fun. However, I have makeup work from when I was sick that I have to do. Not fun. May be on later but have to work for now. Bye.
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Random Quote Day.
Evil Beware. We have waffles.
~Raven, Teen Titans~
And I'm Sorry that I haven't been visiting peoples sites recently. My parents put on a parental controls that is so picky that it won't let me visit some of the sites. Like one time I tried to look at a page with info for a colloseum in the upcoming game Pokemon Battle Revolution for Wii. It blocked it becuase the word casino was in the title of the colloseum and it classified the page as gambleing.
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Friday, January 5, 2007
All right I'll tell the story. There is this girl in my French class that noticed that we kept running into each other. She is only in one of my classes and she saw me eight times today. Because of this, she said (jokingly) that I was stalking her. One of the times she saw me I didn't see her so I said (jokingly) that she was stalking me. After math class we were still discussing it and another girl I know who is in my math class joined the disscusion. She said that girls are not stalkers. She said girls are fan girls. so the first girl said that she was my fan girl and that she was starting a fan club for me and she was the first member.
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
Hello agian. Two things happened today. One is that I am now on Gaia as AGFlame. The second is that I now have a fan club that only has one member in it. Its a long story. Anyways, I will make a banner for it when I get a chance. Contact me if you wish to join. No I did not come up with the idea, as I said, its a long story and about the only interesting thing that happened today at school.
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