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eheheheh.... i'm good with a gun and i have a nack for base guitar
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
ha ha i´m on vacation in brazil in my family house in the same street in the same town were i use to live in my early child-hood and were having a brazilian barbie-Q and that means alot of meat yay i´m gaing 20 pounds so i´m here ilstening to alanise moriset eating good food so i know i didnt post in a long time so tomorrow i´ll post manga or somthing
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
hey to all youz i just got one thing to say i'm about to die I'M NOT JOKING two days ago i saw a huge black dog looking at me and i mean HUGE and then i entred my house and i colapsed and i couldn't move my body when i got up about an half-an-hour i started to get head-aches and i get wierd dreams and visions (i have visions seariosly) and i keep hearing creepy and freaky things and today i wake up and my face is full of blood i was bleeding from my nose a lot and then a suddnly couldn't breath somy conclusion is that i'm cursed i know a demon when i see them i practice summoning them well i'lll go now the the nursry.
if any one knows any thing about this it would really help.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
| You scored as Unipolar Depression. Congraulations! You are depressed! You know just how it feels to bear all the world's burdens, and the value of a 19-hour night's sleep. And you really hate that circle-guy thing on your Zoloft pill packets.
Unipolar Depression | | 83% | Antisocial Personality Disorder | | 83% | Schizophrenia | | 67% | Borderline Personality Disorder | | 58% | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | | 50% | Eating Disorders | | 25% |
Which mental disorder do you have? created with |
and i thout that every body could see santa fucking those soap bar
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Monday, July 18, 2005
hi firdt things first i'm not "the sorce" i 'm his friend and hi is shiting and we had a bet that he says that he can get 100 hits in a month and i sey that you guyz dunt give a shit about him and only come here cuzz he puts manga here so i'll put the manga that i "took" from him and we all wil sea if he getz hits!! (sory for the bad english i'm from israel :( )_
dis is puchimon evrey RPGers dreem it has magic, and pedofile things so you'l like it:

*the source: leave a comment even if its this fool!
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
i'm special!
wow i passed my normal hit count usualy i get only 1 hit each time i post but this time i got 2 hits not 1 sadly not 15 but 2 hits!
and tomorrow i'm going to be on a stupid show on a chanled that is like the "isarelian kids chanled"
i hate it but i must cuzz its part of my "summer vacation program" and all the kids in this stupid hell hole must do it. but hey i gonna give the stupid hosts the "bad juju eye" it always works!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
this is a special vacation or something
well hello mortals i have returned once more from the land of the cursed, the paranormal and the super natural and i bare news from my life and here it is:
1:) i was suppose to go to the beech with all the other kids but i stayed home because some freinds of mine taht i didnt see in a really really long time and it was fun we saw a movie, my freind broke his arm ha ha, we played pool and drank lots of milk (okay that sounded bad), drank a little beer and of course what kind of "get togethere" with out a argument about how is the best ay ro drink vodka i personally perfer strait from the bottle after that we watched MTV and heard how one ther girls was screaming how flat chested all the women were in all the clips (damn her and her D-cup chest or is it bigger?) well it was a good night
2:) today i saw "WAR OF THE WORLDS" its amazing!!!! but the end is kinda spoiled if you'v seen the original like me from 1954 its real scary!! naaa more like astaunashing did i write that right?
3:) i have no more manga i put them all on disks 5 of them and my freind took them
well i will take them backuntil them the my otaku people will have to stop there game of tormenting shaily with angry messeges about posting manga and you people will have to plug up your dissire to read manga on other peoples sites so you dont get in a big mess
and i wouldnt hurt to leave a comment or to even read what i post cause i have feeling to ya know!!!!... ):
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
yey i'm single again!!
yo i havent updated in weeks i know i'm dumb but still I... GOT... NEWS!!!!
i lost all the manga i had because of a stupid virus!! so it took me a while to restore it all. do you know how hard it is to get air gear manga thease days its way to "intence" so people dont like it... but only i am a true junkie *freaky face*.
well i borke up with my girl freind because she was a freaking whore!!!!!! she was messin with me mind mon but ya'know its like thay say "easy come easy go" so know i'm lookin for some one new
well i'm real bored and the bitch that is now forgoten is going by my house and i'm gonna throw a shoe on her so enjoy and i dont give a shit if when she trys to talk to me she do like a mo'fucking angel eyes!!!! i will not give in to that angel i will not become jelly.... i hope...?
leave a comment.... please..?
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
if any one saw the last post on this site then just so you'll know it was a person who once was my freind but because of all the shit that that surten person has done' in my mind that person is dead that person is INCOGNITOW.
so please take no mind in the childesh deeds of surten people.
well now i'm pretty angry so i'm listing to the percect song
i'll post the song later when i come back from my revenge
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
yesterday i went with to a regei party with some freinds at some bodys pool and get there and the band are all rastararis it was awsome so i'm ther and yay my girlfreind calmed down and we are all there and people just start shuving at my face booz and lots of it.
at the end of the night i was so drunk and so was my girlfreind and then my freind screemed: "yo your dick has dissapired and im like WHAAT WERE IS IT AND I"M LIKE LOOKING FOR HIM. and then he starts singing bob marleys "no,no women no cry" and i'm starting to sing it out loud! then i go out side and i screem "i really gotta piss!!! so i go next to a 4 milion doller jaguar ansd start pissing on it all over it then my freinds pick nme up literaly and start running so we get to my freinds aparetment and my girlfriends is going nuts so she starts saying "one two freddy coming for you for...." and then we passed out. so we all crashed at my freinds and i wake up and thers 8 people on the same bed so it was a freaking stack of people and i was at the bottom o now i have a rel big hang overbut hey i'm happy! so i'll post later some manga
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
i'm stupid!!!!
i'm really a ASS!!!!
damn it all started two weeks ago when my web cam fell when i was jamming on my guitar and then i bend over to pick up the neck of my guitar cut the net cable so no internet!!!
and then i was with my girlfreind and i go to the can and my cell phone is with her and suddnley my old freind (girl) and said that she want to meet me again like old time and she put aphoto of her
with a mini skirt and only a bra (as a joke) but my girlfreind didnt see that in my way so i came back and she kicked me in the nuts and said that she's really pissed off and that she maybe leaving me
so i did a lot to convince her that it was justr a joke and even my freind called her and said that what she said was a joke.
so now i'm screwed so yeah i'm dead so i'll post some manga now cuz people are bored from my life but not from my manga eeyye!!
one shot(cuz its a request)
well i'm dead i'll post the rest tomorrow i swear i'll go play deppressing music om my giutar bye bye
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