Birthday 1992-11-27 Gender
Female Location hell Member Since 2005-05-15 Occupation # 1 freak of the world ^^student Real Name what the fuck would you want to know for jackass
Achievements .... none Anime Fan Since jessica: 1998 Favorite Anime Fullmetal Alchemist, inuyasha, gravitation, D.N. angel,S.champloo,wish,NARUTO (itachi rocks)godchild,faruba,cowboy B, Goals live to be 25,become ANBU. Hobbies being a freak,daydreaming about itachi(yeah yeah im loco for him)hanging with friends,music(I LOVE ROCK N' ROLL) Talents art, writeing.and freaking poeple out The Twisted 6
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
yo guys long time no see.hows it going?well its geting better for me if you want to know.ive made a couple of friends so i gess im doing alright.*is not a vary socol person* whats new with you guys? come on i wanna know.laters
hello it is i your ever fathful locol paper girl come to deliver the news of the day...or something like that.anyway here i am at the libray on one of there comps. *sigh* starnge huh. wanna know why i cant get on at my own comp? well my mom blocked the site.anyway lifes been geting better but it still sucks.i hade some pocky today and that made every thing worth it i gess well gttg see you later if i can bye Comments (0) |
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
hay sorry for not updating for so long but school started up and ive had way to much homework. anyway this is a bref on my life.ive moved and ive made some new friends who love now studying alchemyand im in LOVE with it.i like my 7th huor techer best so fair hes really funny. anyway thats what i can think of right now later
sorry for not updateding for so long my mom block it. anyway im back in school and thing and going great...NOT!!!!im in a whole new school with poeple i dont even now *sweat drops*this is the thrid day today i gess well gtg school starts in an hour Comments (4) |
new avis(mostly FMA) (run its eds mouth) \
ive got more but i dont feel like puting them on right now Comments (5) |
ay whats up! not much going on over here sept that my sister and i just went to get her school schelue. thats a bad mean *tacky dun dun duh thing* school is almost appon us *hears scream in backround*...sooo anyway i just want to say good luck to all who are going back to school soon and hope that the bordom doesnt kill you.becuse you know bordom really there was this guy on the news and thay say he die from bordom.o.0 scary lol if you beleved that them you need help ha ha lol later
~The Twisted~
p.s. heres something for you guys out there ^^ Comments (1) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
new puzzle enjoy (when you are done isnt it cute ^^)
hay every one how are you today? have any of you ever seen scary movie 2 or 3? if you have you know the part in 3 were the little girl says that she has had the curse on her broken? then says "no im just screwing with ya" thats the best part of the hole thing. and then when the alins come and thay say that an evil little girl is going to kill them and the way thay say goodbye is kicking you in the groin. god i love that movie.and then in the second one the guy with the gross hand?when my uncle saw that he nerly choke from laughing so hard. anyway i just wanted to rant on and on about something copletely pointless like a couple of weird funny movies. ive been kinda bored late (who hasnt?) but i get togo over Komugi Nakahara place today and hang out with her and her sister (weird that i get along with them both huh?) and ill see you all tomarrow later