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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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VampSlayer (10/27/04)

ummmmm hi.... cool site! don't take any offense by my user name k? my site isn't as cool as yours but it would be nice if you could check it out... my username thing may sound as if i do not like Vampires, but i do. i just.... feel.... connected to em'
Omen [farewell in Japanese] (I think)

nirvana faerie (10/19/04)

Ooh. I love your site. Vampires are awesome.

The Sundowner (09/16/04)

If you enjoy killing repulsively cute things, visit happytreefriends.com. It's a truely inspired site.

Dream Eater (09/15/04)

yes...yes i am

Inusgirl (09/10/04)

i love your sit it isso demented just like me and you love all the anime i love so come tomy website if you want seeya

Number 5 (09/10/04)

howdy! i like ya site here! the theme looks good! ^-^ anyways, if ever you have time, please swing by my site and vote for my fanart aight? talk to ya laters then!

~ #5 ~

cowboybebopfan425 (09/01/04)

Hi! Cool site. Cool background. See you later! ^__^

LiLMaMa89 (08/28/04)

To think as long as I have known you and visited your site it just now hits me to sign your guestbook. With a lil help from when you said something about people not signing your guestbook being rude bastards. That was a red flag for me. Sorry it took so long, better late than never I guess. BYE!

Vampyress (08/24/04)

Oh look...a fellow Vampire. I adore the site..and especially the image that you have from Blood Omen 2..*whispers* I have it also! Come by my site, whenever you decide to come back to the world of the wire...and sign my guestbook. And while you're there..read my creative work AkA my poetry. And if you're not as lazy as i, you can look back in my archives where you'll find..dum dum dum..MORE POETRY, and a short story i'm certain you'll like. Salutations from the Underworld...

DemonMessiah (08/03/04)

hey, saw your comment on chainedangel's site and thought i'd drop by to say hi, so here goes...hi.

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