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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

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GUNgrAve 67 (07/24/04)

I love your page dude. Also vampires are the beings that i love. So you also have a cool screen name to. See ya visit my site later.

Adding you Mr. Vampire as friend.

Una Maxwell 02 (07/11/04)

Interesting page...very interesting. You should go hang out at Sanguinarius.org. Those vampires are nice like you. ^^ A cautionary note for if you should visit my page--it's sugary. VERY VERY sugary. ^^ Ta!

chainedangel (07/03/04)

Aww everything is so cute.... I like your bloody background. And your icon is wicked. You seem pretty funny too... Mind if I add you as a friend? I wanna come back to your site sometime... (I'm saying aww a lot on your site) bye for now

BlazeWolf999 (05/08/04)

i finally find someone who is a vampire. i'm one too. don't tell. nice site. love the vamp stuff.

Panda (05/02/04)

Now if you really want to be scared, come by my site for some obnoxiously cute stuff....nothing in the world is scarier than CUTE!

I'll see ya around the boards!

ghost SJ (04/29/04)

ilike ur attitude and so i like u, if interested in a another freind then get back2 me or dont its up 2 up.s r u a horror fanatic? just curios cos i am

Kapnronh (04/05/04)

Cool Site! The background and your avatar are pretty cool, where did you get them? Well anyway, I was just passing by.

Susan Xiong (03/30/04)

so u r a cold killer that searches more of the gems around u. holla back ssssssssooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn.............................

Kashin (03/26/04)

cool site Cracker club? ..uh.. kind of sounds interesting..

VashTheDounutKing (03/25/04)

great site me added you as a freind k bye

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