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The Vampire: Ed
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FROM HELL!!!! (In other words New Jersey)
Member Since
Jack and Shit
Real Name
Rob Saillant
Nominated most likely to be forgotten.
Anime Fan Since
Always I guess, anime is a form of cartoon is it not? I've always loved watching cartoons, so since I was a little vamp, I suppose.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Vampire Hunter D, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Witch Hunter Robin, Dragon Ball Z, etc.
To die a painful, yet humorous death.
Games, killing repulsively cute things, watching wrestling, writing, writing crappy stuff, being a psycho.
Being an idiot, and looking smart doing it!
| The Vampire Ed
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
You Are 17 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
WARNING: Don't read unless you feel like seeing a breakdown...
Well, it's that time of the year again folks. It's that time of the year where everything just feels like it's crashing down upon me, I just don't give a fuck anymore, and I ache both physically and mentally. Wait--what am I saying? That time of the year? More like that fucking time of the week--hell, screw it, it's a daily thing. I have days where I just feel like shit, and then I have days where not only do I still feel like shit but I also feel like I crashed to Earth from the toilet of an airliner. What makes it worse is this god damn weather! It's kicking my ass. One day it's hot, then it's freezing, then it's cold, then it's warm, then it hits freezing again and my fucking brain feels like it's about to explode. My throat is sore, my nose stuffy, my head achy...MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!
Here's the thing Ed here is a manic depressive/bipolar, slightly schizophrenic apparently and I hate my doctor right now. I'm not much of a sharing person, but right now I feel so agitated I need to put this down in words somewhere and I figure this would be a good place to do it especially since not many people are going to read it anyway. Anyway, "Why is it that I hate my doctor?" you may ask. Well, on top of those two wonderful disorders I have I also happen to have seizures. Sounds fun, huh? Well, I ran out of medication for my seizures and called it in for a refill at my local pharmacist and when I went in to pick up my medication they said they couldn't give it to me because my doctor never called them back about it. So now I am without my current medication, stuck taking some older shit I had to stop taking because it caused me to become more agitated for some unknown reason and now I've got to wait until an opening it my doctor's schedule frees up so I can go and see him about getting more medication.
If your looking for an idea of who I am well, here's the only time I'm going to tell you. I'm a sad, depressed, and lonely man who feels nothing but sick, and tired everyday of every week. And if I was to be completely honest with you I'd have done something about it a long time about to end it all if I wasn't such a chicken shit--but I know I'm not completely lost. I have a loving family, a great best friend, and although there aren't many I still know a few more people who care enough about me that I wouldn't do anything to hurt them like that.
Just chalk this little outburst up to my bipolar or stress or these fucking old pills, I guess. But I felt like I'd explode if I didn't vent a little.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
That's right. No more phone line for me with unlimited disconnections, no! The vamp has moved on, and above that pile of crap way of internet life I've come to know and despise for years. TVE goes broadband, high speed, cable modem baby! Gone, are the days of "GOODBYE!" "You've lost your connection." etc. I can now come and go as I please with a click of a button, and no more annoying screeching and scratching to get on the internet from a noisy ass modem. Thank god for that!
Well, its been a couple months now since my last update, and I apologize to all my loyal followers out there but, hell, there just isnt anything new to report, almost never really. I could come on here and tell you how I feelbut that just wont do. Im not a sharing kind of guy to begin with, and judging from how Id probably talk the younger folks internets would probably block myOtaku, heh.
Well, aside from some holidays and such there isnt much new. Well, I went through an Xboxsomehow. I only owned it for six months, received it as a birthday present back in June, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, it just craps out on me. Havent over played, didnt drop it, or stick things in it that shouldnt be in there. It just went caput. So I got rid of that one, and finally got myself a new one, which was a bitch getting it though since, for some reason, this holiday season people are grabbing them up left and right. Besides that its been practically the same old shit, just another boring ass day.
Dont get me wrong, not all my days were bad, but very few were good either. Id say maybe two or three good days every month and thats about it. But, ah well, Im so use to it I just dont care anymore. Sad, but true.
Anyway, whos left? Whos still waiting around for my return? Come pay tribute to me, and greet me back as well as kiss my ass. Remember, flattery will get you everywhere.
Oh, and for those whos signed my guest book while I was away Ill get around to you. Later my fateful followers.
Your lord and master,
The Vampire: Ed
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Yesterday, I had went to dinner with my parents. Well, while we were there some stupid guy came over and sat behind us, apparently he moved from somewhere else in the restaurant because he kept on saying to the other guy he was with "I can't stand kids, and all that noise. Fucking kids, fucking noisy little bastards."
Now, I could sympathize with someone like that, had there actually been any real noise. Seriously, there were kids there but all of them barely made a sound, other than just talking. No screaming, or whining. Nothing, they were practically silent. All I heard was some grown man-child bitching about kids when he the only noisy one in there being a huge annoying prick himself. He was really starting to piss me off so I turned around and said "You know what? I don't hear any kids, aside from yourself, in this place making noise so shut up! By the way, this is a family restaurant and they are going to be children here as well so you shouldn't even be here if you can't stand the 'noise.' If you can't stand it just get the hell out. Two simple words. Get. Out. Get out!"
Now, I realize I may have over done it, but he was just pissing me off so much and he had the nerve to sit there and whine about the kids making noise when he was the only one we could hear. I really wanted to shout that shit right in his face. But I refrained from doing so, so I did so just with a simple, fairly calm tone. He just muttered stuff under his breath, I didn't even hear what he was saying, grabbed the little slip they give you for your table and when up and complained to the manager about the noise and everything. So the dick ended up with a refund, which pisses me off because he actually ate and shouldn't have gotten a refund, but thankfully he left. I didn't want to hear his bitching anymore. I'm telling you some grown-ups are just worst than children, hell at least the grown-up should know better. What's this guys excuse?
Ah well, anyway I'm only posting this because--well, nothing new really happens for me so this was a pretty good thing to post about. Also, I can now boast of my heroics! Just like in my new game Fable for the XBox (perfect set-up huh?), which I also picked up yesterday, and it's a really good game. You can be good, or bad, and your character's appearance will evolve based on your decisions and the way you use him in combat. Hell, you can become so evil that eventually you will sprout horns on your head. Now that's just too cool. Also, based on how you act in the game the villagers and such will give you nick names to fit how you act. Kick some chickens around, and such and they'll dub you "Chicken Chaser." Act like a complete jackass, and they'll dub you, and I kid you not, "Arseface." Now that's hilarious. "Oh, look, it's Arseface!" Definitely a good game, if you have an Xbox check it out.
All right, that does it. I believe this has been only my second or third real update since I got myOtaku. But, even so I think I've made good use of it. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to get back to my shit life, and dwell in darkness as I always do.
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Quod me nutrit me destruit...
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Friday, September 10, 2004
I'm just looking for more cheap ways to update so here you go, a bunch of random shit! Enjoy.
"Down With The Sickness"
Can you feel that?
Ah shit.
Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken your servant I kneel
(Will you give it to me?)
It seems what's left of my human side
Is slowly changing in me.
(Will you give it to me?)
Looking at my own reflection
When suddenly it changes
Violently it changes (oh no)
There is no turning back now
You've woken up the demon in me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness [x3]
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift, that has been given to me!
I can see inside you, the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel
(Will you give in to me?)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me
(Will you give it to me?)
It seems you're having some trouble
In dealing with these changes
Living with these changes (oh no)
The world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon in me!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness [x3]
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
You mother get up come on get down with the sickness
You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness
Madness is the gift, that has been given to me!
My japanese name is c Kuroda (black field) P Taiki (large radiance). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Can you guess which one doesn't fit the mood?

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Saturday, August 28, 2004
I've been to hell and back, but no torture can prepare you for AOL!
I've been sent back to the mother fuckin' dark ages!!! Sadly, and some of you may scoff at me, I'm stuck with this faulty, mentally deficient, beast known simply as AOL. Well, let me tell you if that ain't bad enough--you can't even trust the advice of the AOL programs on how to make it work better. I had AOL 9.0 Optimized or some shit like that. So I get this message saying that it may work better if I upgrade to a newer version of AOL. So I jump at that shit seeing as how much it likes to fuck up on me as it is. Well, once I downloaded the newer version from AOL and installed it I tried to sign on again--now here's the part where I nearly ripped my computer apart and pissed on the pieces, it dialed up and everything, it said it was talking to the network then goes to, I think what they call Step 5, where it says "Connecting to network." Well, at this point it just hangs then eventually freezes. Well, I tried to uninstall it and reinstall an almost as up to date version of it and I still got the same fucking problem. That's where I flipped the screen off and yelled "Fuck you, AOL!" Well, after going threw a couple versions I've finally found one that worked, but I'm not as happy with it since it has no flair to it at all--anyway I'm back to AOL version 7. fucking 0. Well, at least I'm back online, I guess. In case anyone was wondering where I was at for the past few days, like anyone really gives a shit, you now know.
Well, it's been nice chatting with my peeps, have a nice day, tip your waiter on the way out--oh, and FUCK AOL! Thank you, and catch ya' later.
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
I am the man!!!
 I did it in 18 seconds. I deserved an A-!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
 I did it in 12 seconds. I deserved an A!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
*Drum roll*
 I did it in 6 seconds. I deserved an A+!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
*Bigger drum roll*
 I did it in 3 seconds. I deserved an A++!! Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!
Long time no see my fellow freaks! I saw this on chainedangel's myOtaku, and decided to try my hand at it. Also after a long hiatus this gives me a chance to cheaply update my own myOtaku, so ha! Also, angel, if you're reading this--IN YOUR FACE!!!! HAHAHA!!! Just kidding--sort of....
I'm so evil....
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Friday, June 4, 2004
When glass attacks!
Nothing like a face full of glass to start the day. I was riding shotgun with my mom this morning, and someone cut over and crashed into my side of the van. Their mirror smashed the passenger window and the glass exploded all over me. Luckily it didn't do much damage to me, left a few cuts and scrapes here and there, but the glass stung like a bitch when it hit me. I had to pull a couple pieces from my leg too, and that was fun indeed watching my leg bleeding from multiple wounds. The guy who ran into us must have had armor plating or something because he didn't even have a scratch on his van. My mom had to get the window replaced and that cost roughly one-hundred and sixty dollars. There is no real point to this post, just a cheap way to update myOtaku since I haven't really had much to say lately.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Not much to report. I haven't really had much to talk about which is why I haven't updated myOtaku in a while, and well, I just haven't been in much of a good mood. I haven't thought of much that would be entertaining to post, or that at least would be interesting. Well, I've been pissed off at this damn computer, or whatever the hell is the problem with this thing. It's randomly resetting itself on me while I'm online, not that I'm completely sure it has anything to do with being online, but that's when it seems to happen most. Well, aside from that I just haven't been on much lately because, well it's just been pretty dull. There is nothing to do anymore online, well at least nothing that's made me want to get on much. Ah well, no one cares anyway.
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