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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Saturday, August 28, 2004

   I've been to hell and back, but no torture can prepare you for AOL!
I've been sent back to the mother fuckin' dark ages!!! Sadly, and some of you may scoff at me, I'm stuck with this faulty, mentally deficient, beast known simply as AOL. Well, let me tell you if that ain't bad enough--you can't even trust the advice of the AOL programs on how to make it work better. I had AOL 9.0 Optimized or some shit like that. So I get this message saying that it may work better if I upgrade to a newer version of AOL. So I jump at that shit seeing as how much it likes to fuck up on me as it is. Well, once I downloaded the newer version from AOL and installed it I tried to sign on again--now here's the part where I nearly ripped my computer apart and pissed on the pieces, it dialed up and everything, it said it was talking to the network then goes to, I think what they call Step 5, where it says "Connecting to network." Well, at this point it just hangs then eventually freezes. Well, I tried to uninstall it and reinstall an almost as up to date version of it and I still got the same fucking problem. That's where I flipped the screen off and yelled "Fuck you, AOL!" Well, after going threw a couple versions I've finally found one that worked, but I'm not as happy with it since it has no flair to it at all--anyway I'm back to AOL version 7. fucking 0. Well, at least I'm back online, I guess. In case anyone was wondering where I was at for the past few days, like anyone really gives a shit, you now know.

Well, it's been nice chatting with my peeps, have a nice day, tip your waiter on the way out--oh, and FUCK AOL! Thank you, and catch ya' later.

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