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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

  Yesterday, I had went to dinner with my parents. Well, while we were there some stupid guy came over and sat behind us, apparently he moved from somewhere else in the restaurant because he kept on saying to the other guy he was with "I can't stand kids, and all that noise. Fucking kids, fucking noisy little bastards."

Now, I could sympathize with someone like that, had there actually been any real noise. Seriously, there were kids there but all of them barely made a sound, other than just talking. No screaming, or whining. Nothing, they were practically silent. All I heard was some grown man-child bitching about kids when he the only noisy one in there being a huge annoying prick himself. He was really starting to piss me off so I turned around and said "You know what? I don't hear any kids, aside from yourself, in this place making noise so shut up! By the way, this is a family restaurant and they are going to be children here as well so you shouldn't even be here if you can't stand the 'noise.' If you can't stand it just get the hell out. Two simple words. Get. Out. Get out!"

Now, I realize I may have over done it, but he was just pissing me off so much and he had the nerve to sit there and whine about the kids making noise when he was the only one we could hear. I really wanted to shout that shit right in his face. But I refrained from doing so, so I did so just with a simple, fairly calm tone. He just muttered stuff under his breath, I didn't even hear what he was saying, grabbed the little slip they give you for your table and when up and complained to the manager about the noise and everything. So the dick ended up with a refund, which pisses me off because he actually ate and shouldn't have gotten a refund, but thankfully he left. I didn't want to hear his bitching anymore. I'm telling you some grown-ups are just worst than children, hell at least the grown-up should know better. What's this guys excuse?

Ah well, anyway I'm only posting this because--well, nothing new really happens for me so this was a pretty good thing to post about. Also, I can now boast of my heroics! Just like in my new game Fable for the XBox (perfect set-up huh?), which I also picked up yesterday, and it's a really good game. You can be good, or bad, and your character's appearance will evolve based on your decisions and the way you use him in combat. Hell, you can become so evil that eventually you will sprout horns on your head. Now that's just too cool. Also, based on how you act in the game the villagers and such will give you nick names to fit how you act. Kick some chickens around, and such and they'll dub you "Chicken Chaser." Act like a complete jackass, and they'll dub you, and I kid you not, "Arseface." Now that's hilarious. "Oh, look, it's Arseface!" Definitely a good game, if you have an Xbox check it out.

All right, that does it. I believe this has been only my second or third real update since I got myOtaku. But, even so I think I've made good use of it. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to get back to my shit life, and dwell in darkness as I always do.

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