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The Vampire: Ed
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FROM HELL!!!! (In other words New Jersey)
Member Since
Jack and Shit
Real Name
Rob Saillant
Nominated most likely to be forgotten.
Anime Fan Since
Always I guess, anime is a form of cartoon is it not? I've always loved watching cartoons, so since I was a little vamp, I suppose.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Vampire Hunter D, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Witch Hunter Robin, Dragon Ball Z, etc.
To die a painful, yet humorous death.
Games, killing repulsively cute things, watching wrestling, writing, writing crappy stuff, being a psycho.
Being an idiot, and looking smart doing it!
| The Vampire Ed
Thursday, February 24, 2005
This isn't vengeance, it's gambling!
Well, I really didn't feel like posting anything at the time, but I guess I owe it to you people to do so since I've finally done something different. For some reason or another my sister and her boyfriend invited me along on a little trip of theirs last Wednesday to go down to Atlantic City with them where they would be staying at the Hilton hotel and casino. Now, I never was really interested in going to Atlantic City to gamble and what have you, and I even tried to turn it down a bunch of times. "I have no money." I'd say. Then my sister, and my parents would counter that with. "Hey, here's some money! Go! Have fun!" Then I'd just curse under my breath because other than the money issue I had no other reason not to go, other than being uncomfortable around a bunch of people and such. But in the end I decided to go to finally do something new and uncharacteristic of myself.
Anyway, we left Thursday at around five in the afternoon and got there around eight at night. Our room was pretty shitty. It was small with two beds, and everything looked cheap in the room since it was a smoking room. Now, none of us smoke but there were no rooms available with two beds in nonsmoking, so we got stuck with the cheap room--but we didn't have to because I personally am not comfortable sleeping on a bed. I haven't slept on a bed in like ten years. I always slept on a couch, even in my room where I have a bed I always slept on my couch. I've never been comfortable sleeping in a bed alone, even though I have never really shared a bed with anyone else to begin with. It's weird, I know, but that's how I operate.
Well, anyway, after getting unpacked and settled in, we ordered room service, ate, then went down to do some gambling--I of course was more reluctant because I always viewed gambling as stupid. But I owed it to myself to at least try it once, and besides my sister kept pestering me to try it. Oh well, wasn't my money. Heh. I don't know if these places are all the same but the slot machine don't even take quarters like you may have seen or heard, hell, the machines don't even take dollars. So you're forced to stick in tens, twenties, etc. It's a strange system used to squeeze even more money from your pockets. If you win something it doesn't come out in the tray at the bottom like you may also have seen or heard. Now, they use ticket stubs and your winnings are recorded on this stub and presented to you, from a slot in the top of the machines, if you decide to stop playing. Then you have to present this stub to a cashier to collect your winnings or whatever was remaining of the money you had placed in the machine. Also, while it was simple before to lose your money they made it even simpler. All you have to do now is press a single button to gamble your money away. The lever is still there, but it was never used by anyone that I could see. However, I used it. I figure if I'm going to gamble my money away I'm going to at least put a little effort into it rather then just tapping a single button.
Well, I went through some money and got an even lesser opinion of the whole gambling scene, then we went back to our room. I looked at the bed, and realized it didn't belong to me--so I could do whatever I wanted to it. Now, I realize I'm 21, going on 22 in June, but the first thing that popped into my head was to jump on that sum' bitch, and I did just that. My sister even got in on it, so there I was 21 and jumping on the bed like a little kid. It was fun though, sadly the most fun I had on my little trip. Now, that wasn't all of my three day trip, but that's all I really need to say about it. I didn't play black jack or anything with the dealers, I just didn't feel like it.
Also, I recently got my self a Punisher T-shirt. It kicks ass. If you're a Punisher fan you too would appreciate my sentiments about it.

Well, that about does it. My little trip, my kick ass Punisher t-shirt. That's all I can really think about that I actually feel like commenting on.
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
June Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite andsoft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. Easilyhurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.
This quiz is basically right in the middle. Some of it is spot on, and some of it is just way off. Take it with a grain of salt, or just ask me which is true and which is not. Doesn't matter, I guess.
It's fucking perfect!
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