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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

   It continues...
My body has been aching all day, and my head has been throbbing. I didn't notice it until later but I have a huge bump on the side of my head. Apparently I must have hit it on some after I blacked out. My jaw was also popping in and out of place, that's something that always happened to me, but this time it must have been the fall that did it.

My sister talked to me on the phone, crying about me saying that she had a dream last night that she had a seizure and had to be taken to the hospital. After she found out I had a seizure last night I guess she thinks it's some kind of sign or something.

I need new medication that works, but doesn't make me feel like shit. Too bad just about everything makes me feel like shit. Ah well. Thanks to everyone who commented, thanks for worrying but it's no necessary. I'm nobody to worry about.

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