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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Friday, January 16, 2004

   In memory of my beloved Fluffy.

On December 12th 2003 my precious cat, Fluffy, fell in battle. Her life taken away by a baboon backed by the blessings of a priest. She fought valiantly, but in the end the holy powers of the priest's baboon overtook her. Charles is my friend, but it is his accursed cAttitude that put me in this position, it was like a virus infecting my very being. Upon seeing Fluffy tear a rat apart down a dark alley, I felt my cold black heart warm for the first time in many years. She growled, and hissed at me from a distance then slowly she calmed and approached me. We were inseparable from that moment on. Now, while I can blame Charles for my feeling of loss when Fluffy died, I also have to thank him for his cAttitude, for if it was not for him I would have never known the happiness of Fluffy's presence.

I transformed Fluffy into a vampiric cat to keep her by my side for the rest of eternity, her lust for mere rodents became a lust for human blood and flesh, but that damned priest ruined it all. She's gone, and now that I have this myOtaku account I will take this opportunity to hold a sort of funeral for her. I expect many to come and pay tribute to her, and say many wonderful things about her.

This thread is filled with banners I created in honor of her when she was still alive, and now for your very own viewing pleasure you can visit it and look upon her again.

Please pay tribute to Fluffy, and bask in the wonder that was her.

Oh, and make sure to sign my petition, thanks.

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