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The Vampire: Ed
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FROM HELL!!!! (In other words New Jersey)
Member Since
Jack and Shit
Real Name
Rob Saillant
Nominated most likely to be forgotten.
Anime Fan Since
Always I guess, anime is a form of cartoon is it not? I've always loved watching cartoons, so since I was a little vamp, I suppose.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Vampire Hunter D, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Witch Hunter Robin, Dragon Ball Z, etc.
To die a painful, yet humorous death.
Games, killing repulsively cute things, watching wrestling, writing, writing crappy stuff, being a psycho.
Being an idiot, and looking smart doing it!
| The Vampire Ed
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Just some bullshit from your pal Ed.
Greetings from boredom land! Nothing much to do. "How should I update?" I wondered to myself out loud and in front of a group of strangers who had thought I was just some crazy bastard off the streets--when in fact I'm just a crazy bastard from a house. But whatever. Anyway, what I'm going to do is update with a few pictures of random things pertaining to myself.

First up is a picture of my awesome dogs. On the upper left you got Rocky, half Chihuahua half Pomeranian. I call him a Pomihuahua. What he is most famous for is his 'face rubs,' and Charles can attest for that. What he does is he climbs your chest or shoulder then throws himself on your head or face and rubs himself all over you, it's pretty funny--until you're gasping for air anyway. Then on the lower right we've got Ester, the most adorable animal of all time! I don't just throw that word, 'adorable,' around either. She is just that cute, but not enough that it's sickeningly cute, as I despise sickeningly cute things. Now, I know what you're thinking--"Ester?" I know. It sucks. Although she is very much mine I allowed my mom to name her, and because of that my poor dog has to be referred to with an old lady's name, ugh. Well, at least I got my way with the collar, as you can see it is spiked. Awesome looking especially on a dog as small and innocent looking as her.

Next up we have my Pile 'o' Smoking Skulls. It's actually an inscent(sp?) burner. My mom got it for me because I have a sick obsession with skulls, death, and the like. Never been much and an inscent person really, but to see this thing smoke I use it quite often.

Anyone interested in seeing the length of my hair, well here you go. Not much else to say about it.

And, finally, the most rarest of pictures you'll ever see of me. I'm smiling. The only decent smile I've ever had in a picture. Most of the time when I smile it looks odd, forced, or just plain evil/suspicious. So I'm pretty happy with this picture although I hate the subject in the picture.
Anyway, it's becoming harder and harder for me to think of updates. I don't have much of a life to relay back to you, a simple day to day journal is out of the question. I'm running low on random humor that I've been semi-famous for in the past, so that's kind of out there. I'm simply low on ideas. So I'll have everyone who reads my myOtaku help out. "How?" You may ask. Well, anyone who is interested just pose a question to me. About anything. What I like to drink. Who my favorite actor or actress is. Those sorts of questions or even more personal things if you like. I'll try and answer if I can and that way I can easily update myOtaku and at the same time either entertain you even more than before, or bore you to death. I guess we'll see. Well, later.
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