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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Monday, March 15, 2004

Well, this actually should have been posted last night, but I got home a little past midnight and missed the chance, not to mention I've felt like crap all yesterday so I just decided to go to sleep.

Anyway, it started with me not sleeping Saturday night, so I was tired and fell asleep in the morning (5:00AM) forgetting that I had to be up since I accompany my parents to the flea market to sell stuff. So I'm was woke up about ten minutes later by my mom, and from that moment on I had this terrible headache and just felt like a bag of flaming crap left on someone's door step to stomp out. Then after about an hour drive we get to the flea market where I help unpack, then I decided to get some sleep so I laid down in the back of the truck covered myself with a couple pads and went to sleep. Later when I woke up I felt colder than I had earlier and I could stop shaking, and usually I not affected by the cold, at least never enough to have me shaking uncontrollably. Not to mention every muscles in my body ached, and kept spasming(sp?) for about an hour. It was pretty annoying. So felt crummy all day, but I had something to look forward to later that night.

Wrestlemania XX was coming on later, and I figured it would be a really good show but it was pretty crappy for the most part. I suggest any non-wrestling fan stop reading now, because you'll probably just be bored from here on in.

The show starts off with John Cena vs. Big Show(c), but I wasn't really expecting much to begin with so it wasn't too disappointing. But at least by the end Cena had finally won a belt for himself, the US title, but he really needs to be in the main event picture rather than being a midcarder like he is now.

Then we have the Raw Four Way Tag Team Championship match Booker T & RVD (c) vs. Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance vs. Mark Jindrak & Garrison Cade. It wasn't anything special, but by the end I was happy to see Booker & RVD keep the Tag Team titles as the other teams just plain suck in comparison, and are too boring to be the tag team champs. Or in the Dudley Boyz case it's too redundant.

Next we have Chris Jericho vs. Christian in what the commentators was calling a love triangle for some reason, as it all started over Christian attacking Jericho's love interest Trish Stratus. Christian didn't really show any interest in Trish before Wrestlemania, he just kinda hit on her to play to the crowd and anger Jericho so it didn't make sense to call it a love triangle. Anyway, the match itself was easily the best of the night and backstage officials should definitely take notice and push both men as they are two very talented wrestlers. It ended very well though with Trish "accidentally" costing Jericho the match, then afterwards turning on him to join Christian in a "I like it rough" storyline I suppose.

Our forth match is Evolution (Randy Orton/Batista/Ric Flair) vs. Mick Foley and The Rock. Overall a good match, and in the end I expect Mick Foley and The Rock to win, but thankfully they kept it from being too predictable and had Randy Orton win by hitting the RKO out of nowhere and getting the pin. It was a good match.

The first interpromotional match of the night was next, the Playboy Evening Gown match, and it was pure garbage, that's all I need to say. If I wanted to watch this sort of thing I know where to find it, so I really am sick of seeing it on a WRESTLING show.

Next the Cruiserweight Open--I'm not going to even bother to say much about this. Chavo kept the belt, while better wrestlers got shafted just so we could see Rey vs. Chavo at the end. Ultimo, and Tajiri should have been the top choices to win, but Ultimo should have been the one to win it last night. I was disappointed with this a lot.

The second interpromotional match of the night Bill Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar, and it absolutely sucked almost as bad as the first one. Well, it was amusing hearing the crowd chant "You sold out!" and "Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye" at Brock. This forced the commentators to talk about Brock leaving the WWE to join the NFL. Goldberg was also supposed to leave after Wrestlemania, and so he was booed as well, but earlier that day it was announced that Austin, Goldberg's real life friend, had persuaded him to stay. So they pretty much booed him for no reason. Overall the match was just boring, and short. Not worth the hyping it received. It ended with Goldberg winning via Jackhammer, and Austin Stunning both Brock, after Brock flipped the crowd off then Austin, then he Stunned Goldberg as well. Kinda stupid.

Next Smackdown!'s Four Way Tag Team Championship match between Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (c) vs. The APA vs. The World's Greatest Tag-Team vs. The Basham Brothers. It wasn't that good of a match, and in the end Scotty and Rikishi kept the titles while two better teams, the APA and World's Greatest Tag Team, went without. That was just terrible. Well, at least those lousy Bastard Brothers didn't win the belts back. They're easily the worst Tag Team ever.

The next match up the Women's Championship between the champion Victoria and her opponent Molly Holly. It was kinda crappy as it was too short of a match, and since becoming a face Victoria rarely is allowed to get any offense in, in her matches. Anyway, it was amusing because the stipulation was that if Molly were to lose she would have to have her hair shaved off. Molly lost to a back slide pin out of nowhere, and attempted to run away but eventually was put in the barber chair and strapped down by Victoria. Now, anyone who's seen this sorta thing usually expects to see a small amount of hair to be shaved off, as this is the norm in Hair vs. Hair matches, not counting Angle because he was practically bald to begin with--however, Victoria didn't stop at a simple buzz cut for Molly, no, she went all the way and shaved her completely bald! I wasn't not expecting that. It was funny, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing how Molly acts on screen with the bald head now.

The next match is Smackdown! World Championship match between Eddie Guerrero, and challenger Kurt Angle. It was a decent match, and while I respect, even love, to see mat wrestling in a match, they just did too much. It slowed down the pace of the whole match and made it more boring than not. Still overall it was a good match, and it was also good that it ended with Eddie keeping his Championship as it would have been terrible for him to lose it after only having it for a month.

The third and last interpromotional match is here, the returning Undertaker vs. his brother Kane. This was just a waste of time. After all the hyping this match got thanks to the blatant lies that Undertaker would be returning to his "Dead Man" gimmick, he comes out dressed exactly the same as he was when he was the American Bad Ass. Okay, that was pure crap, but I was hoping at least to see him fight like vintage Undertaker--but again I was disappointed as he fought exactly like he did as the American Bad Ass. He wasn't different at all from when he left other than he grew his hair longer again, only slightly though, and he wore a black trench coat and cowboy hat to the ring with his old music playing and Paul Bearer at his side. The only thing vintage about Undertaker last night was the sit up, and his eyes rolling back occasionally. Besides that nothing at all. Then he pretty much crushed Kane, who also acted afraid the whole time even though he himself looked much scarier than Undertaker. It was pretty much a waste of time. I pretty much was hoping Kane would win after seeing this bullshit Undertaker return.

And finally Raw's Triple Threat World Championship match Triple H (c) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels. This was a decent match, but Triple H and Shawn seemed to try keeping the match between themselves for the most part to make it more about themselves than it was about Benoit. But thankfully in the end Benoit had won by making Triple H tap out to the Crippler Crossface. Something I didn't expect to happen. Finally, we have someone who actually deserves to be a champion with the World title. It ended nicely with Eddie Guerrero congratulating his friend Chris Benoit for finally winning the World Championship after chasing it for, I believe they said, eighteen years.

It was good,but nothing really special. It should have been much better for a Wrestlemania.

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