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myOtaku.com: The Vampire Ed

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Hey there ya' bunch of TVE-maniacs. Today was pretty uneventful, just slept most of the time thanks to feeling like complete crap. It was a miserable day anyway so I wasn't planning on going anywhere to begin with, so it didn't interfere with much. I haven't eaten much, because I feel even worse trying to eat. Maybe I got a stomach virus or something.

Oh, speaking of stomach problems, NEVER eat at an Outback resturant, at least not in New Jersey. Their food made me terribly sick the last time I ate there, and I really wouldn't recommend anyone going to one as the food was pretty shitty anyway.

All right, I know these posts are pretty boring to some of you people so for randomness, and complete stupidity--


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