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myOtaku.com: The Wicker Man

Monday, December 11, 2006

feral rage
every once in a while i get into this mood i would call it a "bad mood" but it's not like i'm necessarily angry or even upset it's more like...i just need to let things that usually don't bother me make me overreact so i'd say that i'm bitter when i'm in this mood bitter and vitriolic just about describes it so as is obvious from my lack of capitilization and punctuation this is one of those times if i say what one thing brought this about even though it's usually a combination of smaller things i'd have to say it's this i'm infatuated with my friend chise i guess it's what all the kids nowadays call a "crush" but i hate that terminology as it sounds like i want to burden this person with backbreaking amount of weight anyway one might think oh why don't you just tell her then well here's the thing one of her first criteria for wanting to date someone is that they be of asian appearance that rules me out now that's not saying that it's impossible that she would maybe date me i mean you never know but since she is my friend i don't want to risk it because it might ruin our friendship i don't see any risk in putting it here since she's never on here anymore so i'm using this to *gasp* rant yeah i know i hate when people do that too but i need to put this somewhere so i can get over it

i'm a realist this isn't going to ruin my life even for a minute but i need to put it out in the open to examine it better and maybe i won't be so bitter either

sorry for the lack of sentence structure it sure makes this harder to read huh

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