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myOtaku.com: theblackERspot

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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timbermoonkiss (02/21/07)

well i wanted to thank u for entering my contest aaaaaaand... i luv ur art.... aaaaaaaaand.... I LUV MAGICAL MIRACLE!!X3 best manga EVER!! well im gonna add u! so pm me sometime or watever!:) adiose!

SteveThePimp (02/17/07)

hey twins r koo im gonna add u feel free to do the same and or pm me anytime for any reason.... well ttyl
peace represent!!!

2cute4u2handle (02/14/07)

Hi! U r the 99th 2 sign my gb! Congrats! In return I HAVE SIGNED URS. Lol. I lov the site! Addin ya k? Later!

♥ Cloe

Inashy (02/14/07)

hey love ur pics. kawaii site. i'll add u 2 my friends list. ttyl oh and hope u do the same. let me know if u update ur art. thx. bye

Mimori13 (02/14/07)

i love your site it's so kawaii^^cute avi i'll add you hope you do the same later

animegirl99 (02/13/07)

Hey it's me!!! I love the Chi background and the reason that you can't see my cosplay is because I haven't uploaded any yet I just created a folder for it. Oh! Have you guys ever heard of mermaid melody. It's a really good series. Luv the site. Bye ^-^.

kittygirl56 (02/06/07)

Hi nice site!
The background is nice!
so...How's the weather...
hmm...your a koge Dombo fan too...I liked Pita-ten, and Kamichama Karin...I love how there eyes look...

Well anyways...Bye!!!!!

Kitsune901 (01/31/07)

It's sign random guestbooks day 5, you are the eighteenth to have your guestbook signed by Kitsune901 today
don't you feel special?
Special enough to add me as a friend?
Fine then special feeling time is over.

wtevr (01/29/07)

Thanx for signing my gb! I added you as a friend too! I love your chobit background on your site and your fantastic artwork!

emeraldsky (01/28/07)

Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook. And thanks for all the comments on my art! I like your art too. You are so good at drawing costumes.
I like your site too. It's cool!
Well, cya around for now.

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