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myOtaku.com: theblackERspot

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angelgal921 (11/18/07)

Hello,I totaly love your art it's beautiful!(I can't spell to save my life)^^You sure do have a talent.(both of you^^)I'll add you if you don't mind.LaTeR

~rogue ninja~
*Let dark rise...*

vdr-07 (11/16/07)

Hi there! i just saw your art! loove that pic of the elements!! and well all youre art in general
anyways is nice to meet another great artist here!(i hope one day my art would be that good) well everyopne here is a great artist hehe
Well your site is beautiful, love the bg...anyways i hope you emm visit me someday ^^ and im adding you as a friend ^__^....o__o thats ok right? hihi see ya around


Stixx (11/12/07)

I love your site! It's so cheerful! The music just adds to it!

Twins, huh? That's pretty cool. My cousins are twins and my neighbors are twins. I always thought it would be so much fun to have a twin...but I got stuck with a bigger younger brother (who I love but don't tell him that ;P).

Your art is really good. I really liked the latest one you did of Llenore. I think it came out beautifully. Keep up the good work!

I look forward to seeing more of your artwork. Keep it up!!


Kaerlyn (11/06/07)

Squeeeeee! Your site is very cute ^_^ i love the picture of Chii and the music ^_^ it made me smile, i like to hear new things.

I haven't had time to look at either of your artwork yet... But i will tomorrow ^_^

*adds as friend* There - now i will remember!

Here *hands over a couple of cookies*

One for each of you ^_^

Oh, and i noticed you had a thing saying you were Christian? Me too ^_^

I have to go now, early start tomorrow and all that.

Take care, both of you. I wish you success in everthing!

God bless!


innocent heart (11/04/07)

Hello there theblackERspot! or i should say, "hello twins!" ^_^ lol. You have such a beautiful site! Your background of chii is very pretty^^ i love chobits! My most favorite anime ever.

i have seen some of your artwork! its gorgeous!! its simply amazing! ^_^ I say you both have a fantastic talent^^ i would love to ask for a request sometime.

you both have some wonderful anime selections! i love a lot of those animes as well^^ and i your goal is also very nice. i hope you can achieve it.

well i hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend^^ I will be sure to come by your site to comment when i can. I hope to see you around! I wish you both the best^^ Take care!

~innocent heart~
-find your heart's wish....

Tenka-Kitsune (10/30/07)

you guys do a great job together and keep up the good work!

TheDarkAngel (10/25/07)

I read ur manga and I LOVED IT! You guys do excellent work! I really wanna know what happens next! You guys have spirited senses of humor. I hope you all go far! Well, I gtg. Hope to talk to you laters! ^_^
~Best of luck~

mewmewpudding (10/04/07)

Hello to both of you!

I think that's it is so cool that you two share a site. It's a cool idea! Both of you do such great artwork, it's all so pretty.

I love the fan art and the manga, so that means I like both you guys' art, right? :D

Very cute site and cool colors!

I can't wait to see more work from both of you. Good luck! ^___^

marz (09/25/07)

hey hey!!!
i saw some of you fanart on it is VERY good. i really liked it.....
well i just thought i would come by and teel ya that^^. oh and may i add you as a friend?


temaris-fan (08/30/07)

hey there!
Thankyou for signing my gb! Your site is soo pretty! Chi looks awesome! I'm glad you like my manga X3 I love yours! i'll add you too, hope we can become good friends!
~feel free to pm me anytime!
~take care - have a great day!^^

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