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Member Since
• 2006-11-25
• hopeful manga kas
Real Name
• Hikaru and Kaoru Hittachiin ( our pseudonyms anyhoo)
• We are twins! Biggest achievement of all! Other achievements include managing this site and making manga
Anime Fan Since
• like 5 or so years ago
Favorite Anime
• In no specific order: FLCL, Photon, Rurouni Kenshin, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, DN Angel, Fate/Stay Night, Hayao Miyazaki's works!, Hana-Kimi, Ouran High School Host Club, ,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, FMA, Yu-Gi-Oh:The Abriged Series
• to be manga kas before college!
• drawing, internet, also acting and of course reading manga, looking for new manga/anime
• drawing, and the "twin thing"
| theblackERspot
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
4th of July Post
For thise of you who don't live in America, 4th of July is a holiday that celebrates our country winning independence. just wanted to give you a quick summary in case you didn't know. you prbably don't care much anyway.
well anyway today our family is coming over for a picnic. too bad it's supposed to thunderstorm, but we have a screened in porch, so we'll all stay nice and dry ^-^. we were going to go up to our state college where they have awesome fireworks. however we decided against it...too bad. I'm hoping those fireworks will be post-poned so we can see them.
well i just finished editing my zakuro pic. i also did an inuyasha pic for my one friend. it didn't turn out so bad for a first try. i also finished and posted my freya mermaid yesterday, please feel free to check it out! I have know idea how I'm going to have time for my manga today.
I also have to organize stuff for a scrapbook I'm working on. I save all my movie and play tickets. I also save playbills, good photos, letters,plane tickets, and small trinkets from various events . I want to scrapbook them all, but i've never scrapbooked seriously before. does anyone recommend a good website or have any pointers for me?
random questions
1. what is your favorite holiday and why? if it's not an american holiday, please tell me about it!
2. Which host club pair should i draw: tamaki and haruhi, takaki and kyoya, the twins, or hunny and mori?
3. Does anyone know where I can find some good yu gi oh chibis or art. I just want to see everyone's outfit.
have fun otaku-ing!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Well, today we took our little brother to the amuesment park we work at. I really hate ameusment parks f.y.i., anyway, they just put a new water park there and installed a fake boardwalk. They even had fake seagull, airplane, and foghorn sounds. Now to me, a person who lived down at an actual beach and boardwalk every summer of my life, this was very funny. It made me laugh so hard. The boardwalk didn't even look like a boardwalk. I also hated that place, there were way too many people. Too many little kids in particular. LOUD little kids. And thier little voices mixed with the fake seagulls, airplanes, and foghorns got really old really fast. However, despite this my little brother had fun and that's enough for me.
So art wise, I am drawing th last pages of ICC for the chapter. I just hope that I'll have enough persistance in me to finish them before the week ends. I also did a Tokyo Mew Mew Fan art! I haven't done one in like two years so it was fun to draw. It wasn't supposed to be a Mew but she turned out looking like Zakuro. So I made an evil version of Zakuro. Hope you guys like it ^-^.
random questions
1. What are you all doing for the fourth of July? (if you celebrate it that is)
2. What fan art do you suggest I do next? Go into as much detail as you like. If i like ur idea I'll use it.
3. How does everyone feel about all the Naruto on Otaku?
P.S. I just posted a freya mermaid picture!
have fun otaku-ing!
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Monday, July 2, 2007
early in the morning (for me..)..and Vampire Knight and Ouran
well this is the other twin just wanting to let you know i posted something in fan art...isnt that amazing. the concert was super awesome ^-^ martina mcbryde (sp.?) never looked more awesome and im now a fan of little big town. sry all you non country lovers...Question:
1. Anyone know how the volumes of vampire knight come out? like some manga comes out monthly and tsubasa...comes out every 4 months or so..anyone know?
2. Saw people bad-mouthing Ouran High..which is a crime in my book..wut are your thoughts?
3 NEW QUESTION: Does anyone know Tallulahbelle? Ws her account deleted because I can't find her and she'd not on our friends list anymore.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
So emily-chan got two extra tickets to a Martina McBride concert that is going on tonight really close to us! So we're going! Yippie! We're both really excited to go. By the way, for those of you who don't know, Martina McBride is a huge country singer ^-^. And Little Big Town will be ther opening for her! We both can't wait! So pretty soon I'll be getting ready for that.
In other news, I just finished editing 7 pages of ICC. So I feel accomplished for once. Sometimes it seems like I'll never finish the stupid chapter. At least I felt accomplished fo a little while anyway.
I'm also posting a preview of the new Moriko o Akakonami cover, a.k.a., the uncolored version. Tell me what you guys think!
random questions:
1. What is your fav. genre of music?
2. What is a problem with that you think should be changed?
have fun otaku-ing!
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Well I really want to do editing today before I go to work. I really want to get all of my ICC pages out of the way so I don't have a ton of editing to do later. And I hope to start photoshopping my Moriko No Akakonami cover. I'm not sure when I'm going to delete and re-post that manga though. Oh, and I'll probably check around to see if anyone finished those pics of my OC's yet. So I hope to do a lot before work. I'm praying that we won't have to work. in other news LITTLEKURIBOH CAME OUT WITH HIS MOVIE!!!!! Yes! and three new episodes of the YGO abridged series! We were so happy ^-^ to anyone who hasn't seen YGO abrigded series and wants to laugh a lot, I uggest you look littlekuriboh up!
By the way, we saw the new fantastic four movie yesterday. for anyone who hasn't seen it, I strongly advise you not to waste 2 hours of you life. watch something else.
random movie questions:
1. In this summer of sequel movies, which was your fav.?
2. What coming soon movie do you want to see the most?
4. What is your fav anime movie?
5. What do you think is the funniest movie on earth?
have fun otaku-ing!
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
About my last post eh heh
Well, perhaps I didn't express my view on Naruto well enough. From my last post, I think some of you took it that I hate Naruto and never want to see it on otaku again. I didn't say that. I acctually like Naruto and am a fan of it. But I'm not a fan of all the freaking fan art. A lot of you had some good thoughts on this subject, I enjoyed reading the comments! You all made some good points.
random questions:
1. Is my opinion clearer now?
2. more thoughts!
have fun otaku-ing!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Random Tought
If I see one more Naruto fan art or fan manga, I think I just might die! seriously, there ARE other anime's out there? why don't I ever see them on this site? No offense to Naruto, I have no problem with that manga. It's just not the onlyone out there and it's all I'm seeing on this site! ahhh!
on a happier note, I got a lot of editing done for moriko no akakonami ^-^.
1. how do you feel about the whole naruto thing?
have fun otaku-ing
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Sleepy Today
Well I'm not even out pf my P.J.'s yet and probably won't be untill around 4:00 pm when I have to go to work. I finished my new Moriko No Akakonami cover yesterday and was editing it this morning after I inked some ICC outlines. Then dad kicked me off his computor so I'll probably be re-doing some old Morkio no Akakonami pages. There is a lot of grammer I have to change lol. So as I said, I got the last few ICC page outlines inked and will hopefully be drawing a little more of that today, but I have a a lot to do art wise. So I hope to get around to your sites, and I'll probably go on facebook to.
random question.
1. If you could do a chibi of any anime character, who would it be?
Have fun otaku-ing!
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Day I Don't Have To Work Post
So most of my free day today will be spent on ICC on hopefully the new cover for Moriko No Akakonami. I really really hate my previous one. Okay, so I'm also thinking of starting up a contest, if anyone has some good ideas. Also doeas anyone have a theme I could use for my new cover? I'd appreciate ideas! Please!
Random Questions:
1. have a contest idea for me? lol
2. Who is your favorite anime girl character?
3. Whowould you say is your best otaku friend?
Have fun otaku-ing!
Comments (2) |
Monday, June 25, 2007
Today's Events
Well yesterday's canoe-ing trip turned out to be a really miserable one. Since my parents didn't look at a map first, they really didn't know how long the trip was acctually supposed to take. so lets just say that we started at around 5:00 pm and ended and 9:00pm. yes but I don't really want to describe it in detail.
So on a happier note we get to go out to lunch today with our dear cousin who just got back from a tour of Europe. We love her like a sister and haven't seen her since february or march. So it will be good to see her again ^-^.
However we have to work today so that kind of spoils my mood. of course, it is kinday cloudy and colder so maybe we'll get called off or get to go home early.
oh yes WE GOT A CAR!!!!!!!! it is a gold honda civic and we got it at a really good price ^-^.
Okay so art wise, I'll be posting at least two fan arts today. I only have 14 more pages to draw before the first chapter of ICC ends. And I'm thinking of deleting and then re-submitting Moriko no Akakonami with a new cover. I hate my old cover the more i look at it. and i would like to correct a few grammer errors. so i'll probably submit the next chaper along with the resubmitted manga.
okay thats all ^-^
random questions:
1. What are you all doing today?
2. does anyone have a good art contest idea or already have an art contest started? please tell me!
have fun otaku-ing!
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