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hopeful manga kas
Real Name
Hikaru and Kaoru Hittachiin ( our pseudonyms anyhoo)
We are twins! Biggest achievement of all! Other achievements include managing this site and making manga
Anime Fan Since
like 5 or so years ago
Favorite Anime
In no specific order: FLCL, Photon, Rurouni Kenshin, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, DN Angel, Fate/Stay Night, Hayao Miyazaki's works!, Hana-Kimi, Ouran High School Host Club, ,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, FMA, Yu-Gi-Oh:The Abriged Series
to be manga kas before college!
drawing, internet, also acting and of course reading manga, looking for new manga/anime
drawing, and the "twin thing"
| theblackERspot
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Well we just got back and i am now starting to feel the jetlag kicking in, oh well. THE TRIP WAS AWESOME!!!! there is so much to tell you guyd, so i think i'll just go with my top 5 favorite things
1. ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) dancing! That was so much fun! we did it all night at the wedding and practiced during the week ^-^.
2. The absolutley beautiful senery, colorful hills, stonewalls, sheep, cows, and cottages as far as the eye can see
3. The preservance of the past. everything is made of stone and very old, no aluminum siding or anything like that. at least not where we stayed.
4. it is soooo quiet over there!
5. being with my cousins that are really like brothers and sisters to me. we all grew up together in a family business so thats pretty much our relashionship.
so there you have it! i think really the only parts i didn't like was doing homework and waiting for hours at the airport. i didn't like the plain rides much either. and im not particularly thrilled that i have to go to school tommorow but life moves on i guess!
i can't wait to hear from you all!
have fun otaku-ing!
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hello fellow otaku people things!
(heh or to borrow from zim.. earthen mud babies!)
Today us twins are going to SCOTLAND for our cousins wedding. we might be able to get on the computer a couple of times, but if you wonder why we aren't updating, that is why ^-^ Yup..see ya later!
~kaoru hikaru
my twin demands that we say
~have fun otaku-ing!
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
Au Contraire my Delusional Twin
I am the other twin and I am just posting so that I will be the last post. Ha Ha. All in favor of me doing more of those elements..I did the water one with blue hair..say Ai! Um..I guess we both have a fancy for the elements nowadays ^-^
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Maybe My Last Post
Well this may be my last post for a while because our fmaily is going to scotland next week for my cousin's wedding. ^-^. Yay! I'm really excited, I hope to draw a scotland inspired fan art for you guys! So before I go for a while I just wanted to update.
Art wise i still have a lot to do. I'm doing a picture incorporating my favorite guys from my favorite mangas/animes. I'm currently photoshopping that one. I'm also doing a four elements (fire, wind, water, earth) picture. and theres a crap load of other stuff. I really am trying to get my inspiration to finish ICC. I only have like 7 more pages to the end of the chapter. see i have this problem where i want to get to certain parts of the story, but i hate getting there. sigh. oh well, I'll finish it before too long ^-^
so if i don't see you guys for a while than i hope you all have a wonderful week! luv yas!
have fun otaku-ing!
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Manga art and such
Well first things first, i finished my ICC cover-well editing that is. im almost done photoshopping it, so I'll probably post it tommorow! funny, ICC was posted again for awhile, but yesterday it was back off. hoorah. so im still posting the ENTIRE manga over again. this will probably take place over the course of the weekend, so please read, comment, and tell ur otaku friends who might like it!
okay, so now that i have that out of the way, kokkoi matoku brought up an interesting point in her blog yesterday. something to the effect of people who copy, trace, and dont reference. you should read it to get the full story! its an eye-opener! also, i commented so to get my full thoughts on the subject, go read her post.
okay thts all, i have time today, so how about some random questions?! yay! the first since summer!
random questions!
1. If you were in a situation of distress, what anime character would you like to save you and why?
2.What is your favorite hair, eye, and skin color combo for and anime guy?
3. If you could make a new character right now, what would his/her name be?
have fun otaku-ing!
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Finally! A post on a weekday!
Well today I have a calc test to study for, then I'll be doing some photoshop. hopefully. I posted my fan art contest pic "snow fox" and so far it's gotten a lot of comments (for us anyway). so thats encouraging!
well we're almost done with watching invador zim, which is sad. i wish there were another season! that show is so awesome! i might have to do some fan art of it, which shouldn't be too hard.
oh yes and littlekuriboh posted his new ygoas on his site. honestly they didnt impress me as much as the last couple of videos, but i still laughed. i really dont think he could top episode 22 or the duke devlin one. hee hee.
but anyway, thats all i have for now. i really want to know how ur guy's week has been! hows school? anything interesting happening? any good anime discovered or watched?
have fun otaku-ing!
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Lovely Week
Well this week, as I'm sure some of you know by now, i deleted ICC in a stupid freaking accidental way. However, its not a total loss. At least now I can post that new cover I really wanted to do.
So tonight we're going out to the mall and then we're seeing stardust. i hope it'll be good! Ah yes, and we discovered a new cartoon called invador zim. its really hilarious! sadly I dont have much time to talk about it because we're leaving soon. so i hope to visit sites sometime today or tommorow. I have a TON of fan arts to edit, photoshop and post. I'll probably be posting one or two this week.
have fun otaku-ing!
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Well due to extreme stupidity i just deleted my ICC manga! I can't believe it, it was a total and complete accident! now I'm gonna have to repost it all over! *cries*
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Weekend Post
Well Im sorry i dont post more, but no one is around on school days so i just don't bother posting. today i got a late start becasue i was working on a project for school. its so depressing to have homework on the weekends now!
well a quick update on my life for the past week,
we ordered ouran but it hasn't come yet. however it has been shipped so at least we know it will get here soon. we also both got accepted to two colleges, although both of them we;rent our first choice. we have yet to hear from our first choices.
art wise you wouldn beleieve how much i drew! i think i draw more in school because my brain needs some creative stimulation. but i have tons of stuff to edit and color. it'll probably get done over the next few weeks here and there lol.
well in the upcomeing week littlekuriboh is posting more yu gi oh abridged episodes, so we're excited for that. also we hope to get ouran and replies from our colleges!
so i'll be visiting sites now! luv u guys!
have fun otaku-ing!
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
It's my first weekend of the school year. It's kind of depressing that I have homework, but i guess I'll get used to it.
well last night we went to my cousin's school's home football game. we just went to see my cousins play in the band, we didn't care much about the game lol. So today we're probably going to try to hang out with him or soemthing like that.
We're also probably buying the entire season of ouran high school host club on DVD today!!!!! I'm so excited!
so I hope to go around and visit all ur sites today ^-^.
Quote of the Day:
" Why don't you just step on that map over there? By the way, I'm definitly not a villian."
Random Questions:
1. What is ur favorite and least favorite school subject?
2. how did everyones week go? anything exciting happen?
have fun otaku-ing!
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