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Member Since
• 2006-11-25
• hopeful manga kas
Real Name
• Hikaru and Kaoru Hittachiin ( our pseudonyms anyhoo)
• We are twins! Biggest achievement of all! Other achievements include managing this site and making manga
Anime Fan Since
• like 5 or so years ago
Favorite Anime
• In no specific order: FLCL, Photon, Rurouni Kenshin, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, DN Angel, Fate/Stay Night, Hayao Miyazaki's works!, Hana-Kimi, Ouran High School Host Club, ,The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, FMA, Yu-Gi-Oh:The Abriged Series
• to be manga kas before college!
• drawing, internet, also acting and of course reading manga, looking for new manga/anime
• drawing, and the "twin thing"
| theblackERspot
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Well, we had a busy day yesterday so i didn't get to post or check P.M.'s or visit sites. sry. I was pleasatly surprized when I came back though a lot of new people came across our site. hopefully I'll have time to get around to visiting thier sites.
Well I have to work today at my dad's store, but he's going in early so hopefully i can get some shopping done. there is a mall right next to my dad's store, so i guess i'll shop for school.
art wise i'm working on ICC and like two other fan arts. I'm doing a fan art of a whole bunch of hot guy chibis, i dont know when that will be done cause it will be a monster to photoshop. I'm also doing a host club one, but i need help with that. I'm doing all the members as fictional characters with matching personalities from famous books.Like the Hitachiin Twins are the Weasley Twins, Kyouya is Artemis Fowl, and Mori is Mr.Darcy. I need people for Tamaki and Hunny to be though. can anyone think of something?
random questions:
1. Who should Tamaki and Hunny be?
2. Did anyone recently find a new anime?
3. (really random) What's your favorite work of Jane Austen? (lol, if you don't know who this is thats fine, just wanted to know)
have fun otaku-ing!
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