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married with kids, fabulous job, great sex life....all that crap lol
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| TheBlackRose
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Monday, March 1, 2004
blah, blah, blah
Not much to update on (again) my grades are doing okay and stuff...and the RPG with my friend hasn't been that good, only cause we haven't been working on it lately....
Your sad very sad. All your relationships go wrong, or they don't stay very long. You don't get to atached to any one any more.Tip,sorry maybe you try to'll find someone soon.kay.^-^
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.^-^ brought to you by Quizilla
oh no...I just hope this doesn't have anything to do with me and Shoda's realtionship O_O someone hold me...*looks for Shoda to give her a hug*
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
the party was cool, I'm kind of sad because not many people came...well, honestly, no one but me friend isn't exactly a social butterfly. I have alot of friends surprisingly...but...I felt really bad for her...
I'm watching the acedemy awards. I love Nicole Kidman, she's the most beautiful women in the world...I loved her in Moulin Rouge, which is one of my favorite movies. She's my favorite actress...iono...I just think she's awsome...nothing bad about that right? :)
Anyways...I'll be writing again tomorrow...bye bye
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
Today is the day of my friends party! :) I'm so excited, i can hardly wait! I'm going to try and work on the RPG with my friend again before I go...okay, blah, blah...nothing really exciting his happened, but I'll tell you what happened at the party once I get back ^_^
 Your Fall! You are avery clever person, who always wants to be part of the group. Although you sometimes may be misunderstood, you are full of ideas and imagination. You are creative, unique, and are full of heart!
which season are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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*gasp* what they say is true! I've made a quiz!!! please take it, and rate it for me kay? feel free to post the results anywhere you'd like ^_^
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
aiyaaaaaaa.....I'm so bored! so bored that I went on quizilla and realized how many pervs there are in the world are some results:
My #1 result for the selector, Bishounen Selector, is Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
 You belong in the land of darkness, otherwise known as one of the worlds in which I dwell. All here is beauty inspired by tragedy and great sorrow. Write or go through other creative outlets to express the anguish you may be feeling, and never let anyone tell you that you are just being 'weepy' or full of 'teenage angst'(if you're a teenager.If not, then they really should be punished for calling you one. They probably are trying to insult your maturity...fools.)and always remain yourself, dark and amazing. Never change.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Khaos angel. You are different from all the rest. You are a special breed of angel, prone to suffer in the world that you are in now. No matter how much you try to believe that your not special, you are. There is alot that you want to do in this world. Khaos angels are very dramatic, we tend to have the ability to cheer people up no matter what the mood, and hold in your emotions. You should be proud, Khaos angels are very rare to find in this world of ours... (and yes. you are a completely different type. Hence the name "Khaos" and not Chaos. quite strange huh?)
What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
 Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you, because you're a great person to have around and it's always happy about everything ^^. congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^
Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!! brought to you by Quizilla
You are a.....Muse. You are inspired and you inspire all who are around you. You seem to be followed by imagination and ideas, that come from no where. You set high goals for yourself and always achieve them, theres no use in starting something if you aren't going to finish it, thats what you say to yourself and keep to your word. You help others to become as succesful as you in their endevors, people look to you for guidence and a inspiring light that flows from your fingertips.
Deep down...who are you really?~for girls~**anime picz** brought to you by Quizilla
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I've been having a very interesting past few days this week...
Me and friend started a new RPG, which is going to kick ass. I'm very excited about it, I kept doodling new charcters on my binder at school and thinking of new love triangles...*sigh* *dreams of Shoda*
Anyways, my best friends party is on saturday. And just today this guy invited me to this part of friday. Busy weekend huh O_O?
My beloved and I haven't been talking much lately...I hope he isn't mad at him for anything. I really miss him. :( I'll have to try to talk to him as much as i can today before the weekend. Don't worry, everything will be cleared up ^_^
well, I guess thats all the important stuff... *listening to Song Of Our Dying Day by Story of the Year*
ttyl ^_~
The stars will cry
The blackest tears tonight
And this is the moment that I live for
I can smell the ocean air
And here I am
Pouring my heart onto these rooftops
Just a ghost to the world
That's exactly...
Exactly what I need
From up here the city lights burn
Like a thousand miles of fire
And I'm here to sing this anthem
Of our dying day
For a second I wish the tide
Would swallow every inch of this city
As you gasp for air tonight
I'd scream this song right in your face
If you were here
I swear I won't miss a beat
Cause I never
Never have before
From up here the city lights burn
Like a thousand miles of fire
And I'm here to sing this anthem
Of our dying day
Of our dying day
Of our dying day
Of our dying!!!
For a second I wish the tide
Would swallow every inch of this city
And you gasp for air tonight!!
From up here the city lights burn
Light a thousand miles of fire
And I'm here to sing this anthem
Of our dying day
From up here the city lights burn
Like a thousand miles of fire
And I'm here to sing this anthem
Of our dying day
From up here the city lights burn
Like a thousand miles of fire
And I'm here to sing this anthem
Of our dying day
Our dying day
Of our dying!!!
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Yeah...nothing crazy interesting to report. My scannner broke, and my fathers the type of idiot who actually thinks he can fix it *sigh*
 Animation from
on the news it says is going to rain until the week ^_^ No mile! yay! (yeah...I'm lazy...) But then we get to hang out in the gym and sit on the floor and watch all the guys get all sweaty playin' sports ^_~ heh heh
I love the rain though...we don't get much rain sadly where i live, so its a blessing to have it when it does. Not only that, but to me, the rain is really calming...even though alot of people say it makes you depressed...
anyways...ttyl ^_~
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even more test results!
 You're Element is Light. You are friendly, happy, social, bubbly, and can brighten up any one's day. You are very kind and a real people person because you have several friends (or atleast should). You're cheery nature makes you lovable and your stunning looks are sweet and stand out.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Vampire Demon. Cursed with your destiny you hunt humans and other deoms alike. You act childish in front of your enemies and play with their minds, yet you hold a great deal of wisdom for having lived for decades. You suffer from nightmares and you are scarred by a horrible past. You think they only way to get out of this circle of destiny is to die yourself.
What Type of Creature are you? Angel...Demon...etc... ( ANIME PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 The world is great! Why? Because you have found the love of your life! Just like Hitomi in "Escaflowne", your motto is that your true love is a real angel! sweet!
What's Your Inner Anime Motto? brought to you by Quizilla
 Neko Girl
Your sexy, and sex obsesed, I LIKE YOU!
What Anime Girl are you?(For da gals) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are The Earth Element
The Anime Element Personality Test brought to you by Quizilla
 You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 you are the SERENE EXPRESSION. You know the expression, about to save the world. Picture Sailor Moon about to save the world (again) and you get the idea... there is always hope.
What is your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are my blue hair, happy go lucky, flying chick. The wings are cool but she is happy. I like anime girls that don't smile. Go, fly and be happy with out me.
Which one of my anime pics are you?(girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Dragon Wings
What Kind of Wings are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 winged protector!
to watch over all, full of concern and passion for life.
take alittle time for urself.
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
img src="" border="0" alt="HASH(0x8aa3650)"> You are a Dog demon! You are very loyal the best kinda friend to have. people always come to you when they have problem. But do you ever get sick or being just the FRIEND?
What kind of demon are you (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are guided by darkness. Chances are you are depressed, or you just always see things in a negative point of view. You sit back and take everything in. You are the gentle giant. But one day you will snap. (Rate my test)
What force is your soul? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Yearning...
Which Emotion Are You? *Anime Pictures* brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the fallen angel...You've screwed up somewhere along the line (or have been accused of it) and the higher powers have cast you from thier hierarchy. Contrary to what most think, you're not evil, just independant and constantly misunderstood.
***What kind of angel are you?*** brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Widdle Tokyo!
Today I went to Little Tokyo with my friend ^_^ It was so cool! We both got obis (since our yukatas were lacking...) and I got a pair of really cool sandals to math ^_^ They're really hard to walk I know why geishas take such small tiny steps when walking O_O Anywho...we went for Sushi afterwards...and then we went to the Japanese market and got ramune ^_^ (its this carbinated and pressurised drink from Japan, its REALLY good!) I'm wearing my yukata and new obi and it feels so awsome just walking around the house in it ^_^ My friend is having a b-day party next saturday that I can wear it to. I can't wait! Blah and just 5 more stupid days of skool to get through O_O
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I'm gunna get drunk of sake! Whoo Hoo! *thumbs up*
oh yeah...and i took a more honest version of that Inuyasha life partner test and i got...:
 Best Inuyasha Partner Test by Ibiki
Who knew...well Kouga's hot...and beasty...and has blue eyes...and likes to save damsels in's just like mai crush ^_^ aren't I the lucky girl ^_~
have fun mai peeps! later :)
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here are just some cute little animations i found that i wanted to decorate my site with ^_^
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I LOVE Neon Genesis Evangelion!
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I'm sorry to say that I don't know what anime this is from...but I thought it was super cute ^_^
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DiGi Charat! ^_^ so kawaii!
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yet another animation thats from an anime that i don't know...:( but its super cute! ^_^
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I love sakura wars! I want to try the games, if anyone has played them, tell me about them :)
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hee hee i have the hugest crush on Sano he's so adorable (in a tough, bad ass, drunk way lol)
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hee hee, Kenshin ^_^ I like the one on my intro better but...this one is really cool, I use it as my Buddy Icon :)
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This is what I do when I find out my crush likes someone else ^_~ (not for long i assure you :) )
 Animation from
Me n' Kenshin have so much in common, we both love singing, make better food than most people, we get along with kids, are politely modest, don't mean to be as sexually sugjestive as we really are, accidently expose ourselves, and somehow manage kickin ass for our friends (not that its a bad thing ^_~)
 Animation from
I wish that whenever I got an e-mail, she would all the sudden pop up and look like this *sigh* life would be sweet
I think I'm going to put up more *yawn* tomorrow, kay? good night ^_^
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